Bingo - $1,900 Coverall Jackpot
Sunday - February 2nd
All Sessions start at 7:00pm
Sundays - February 2, 9, 16, 23
Friday - Febraury 28
Christmas Poster Contest Winners
2025 Council Free Throw Championship
2024 Columbus Day Dinner
IC Christmas Fair
Doug Mills presents a KC Donation to the St Mary’s School girls volleyball team for jerseys.
2024 Tootsie Roll Drive
2024 Free Throw Contest
Sponsorship for Royal Credit Union Foundation Making a Difference (M.A.D.) Trivia
GK Phillip Mills presents KC Scholarship's to Amelia Dittman, Seamus Scanlan and Drew Effertz - Congratulations!
GK Phillip Mills is joined by the IC Youth Group for highway cleanup
Food Shelf Donation
GK Phillip Mills and Ed Zimmerman present a check to NR Food Shelf
GK Phillip Mills and Ed Zimmerman present a check to NR Food Shelf
Congratulations to our 11/27 Bingo Winner!
GK Phillip Mills and Jeff Williams present $5,150 to our 9/25 Progressive Bingo Winner.

Food Shelf Donation
GK Phillip Mills and Ed Zimmerman present a check to Five Loaves Food Shelf
GK Phillip Mills and Ed Zimmerman present a check to Five Loaves Food Shelf
St. Patrick’s 1st, 2nd, 3rd Degree ceremonies
December 26th Bingo Winner
KC Fish Fry
Thank you to all including numerous volunteers as over 920 meals were served this year!
Thank you to all including numerous volunteers as over 920 meals were served this year!
New Carts Purchased for Five Loaves
New Richmond Council members Ed Zimmerman, and Grand Knight Al Lingen are pictured with Five Loaves Food Shelf volunteer Jenifer Hanson. The Knights donated two new carts to the food shelf. KC members make monthly deliveries to Five Loaves via transfer from donor businesses.
New Members
Family of the Month
Columbus Dinner Award Recipients
Pictured are Family of the Year - Ed and Marilyn Everson and Knight of the Year - Doug Mills along with his wife Mitzie. Grand Knight Al Lingen presented the awards for outstanding dedication to Church, Council, Family, and Community.
Donations to help Intellectually Disabled
Grand Knight Alan Lingen presents checks to Lumberjack Special Olympics rep Jennifer Harms, (below left) and Aging & Disability Resource Center director Brad Beckman.(below right) The funds are raised through the annual drive to aid the Intellectually Disabled - also known as the "Tootsie Roll Drive."
Family of the Month
The David Nelson family was named October Family of the Month by Council #2845. Dave serves on the parish council and volunteers regularly at church and also for bingo.
Supreme Convention Highlights
Mitchell Named Outstanding District Deputy

Jim Mitchell received the Outstanding First Year District Deputy Award for the Superior Diocese for 2018-19. Mitchell was recognized at the Wisconsin State K of C Convention in Appleton, Wisconsin.
NR Millers to Honor Vernon Conrad

The New Richmond Millers will be honoring longtime fan Vernon Conrad with a picnic table to be installed at Citizen's Field, home of the Millers. Vernon was an avid fan of all local sports, and especially the town baseball team. Pictured is K of C member Ed Zimmerman presenting $100 donated in Vernon's name to Millers manager Ryan Stephens.
New Richmond Chamber Honors Knights with Non-Profit of the Year Award

The annual St. Patrick's Day mass held at St. Patrick's Church in Erin is a special event. This year we were honored with the presence of Bishop James Powers, Rev. James Brinkman, Rev. John Anderson, and Deacon Mel Riel. Providing the honor guard were members of the Lawrence P. Gherty Assembly #1947. Ed Zimmerman, Al Lingen, Mark Casey, John Gushue , and Tony Kilian.
Columbus Dinner and Awards Highlights
Memorial Dedication at St. Patrick of Erin
State Convention Highlights
75th Anniversary Highlights

"Let us carry her smile in our hearts and give it to those whom we meet along our journey,
especially those who suffer,"
-Pope Francis
especially those who suffer,"
-Pope Francis