Meeting Called to Order: 7 PM by GK Tim Bailey
Number in attendance: 31
Roll Call:
Chap Fr John Anderson Present
Lecturer Mike Peterson Present
GK Tim Bailey Present
Adv Jared Gorka Present
DGK Lee Brown Present
Warden John Linneman Present
Chanc Dennis Mitchell Present
In Guard Ed Zimmerman Present
Recorder Larry Gee Present
Out Guard John Zipperer Present
Fin Secr Jeff Williams Present
Trust 3rd Yr Phillip Mills Present
Treas Doug Mills Present
Trust 2nd Yr Troy Schmidt Present
Trust 1st Yr Al Linden Present
Approval of Minutes from Dec Meeting with Corrections John Rich Fish Fry
Shawn/Doug: Approved
Chaplain’s Message:
Bishop declared First Sunday of Lent is designated as Safe Haven Sunday. There is a problem with pornography. People tend to not believe children or acknowledge the situation. Pastors are mandated to speak that Sunday on this topic. Hoping to purchase 150 - 200 books to send home with families at both St. Pat’s and IC and at St. Mary’s. Asked the Knights to pray about it.
Grand Knight Report:
-Passed around some Thank you cards including a card from Father John expressing appreciation to the Knights in support of his Eucharistic Trip in July 2024. And a Christmas card from St. Mary’s School.
- Thank you, Jared Gorka, for judging the Christmas Posters – 110 posters. Seemed like a greater number than last year.
Membership:Jeff is working with someone. Perhaps a couple others.
Program Director: Jan blood drive has been cancelled. Feb 14th, next blood drive.
Knights for Dads Rally Sat. Feb 24 8:30 AM – 1 PM St. Bridget’s Church in River Falls. Phil encouraged everyone to attend.
Trustees Report - No report
4th degree - Nothing currently
Insurance Agent Shawn Fox
Financial plan and things you are doing to protect your family, provide for them in the future. Are we doing things the right way – using your money the right way. Using KC retirement plan, life insurance is a good way to do that. Those dollars are never going to be used against your catholic belief. Also, still time to contribute to your IRA’s or Roth accounts for 2023. Perhaps, make a resolution to meet with me
(Shawn Fox) this year.
District deputy
- Our safe environment is especially important right now. Need to stay safe environment trained and resubmit forms if needed. Maybe get a person nominated to fill that position. Resubmit your 365 and change the date on it – that is the key.
- Membership quota: 15 is the quota – we are at 2. Two exemplifications in the area: Turtle Lake in a couple of weeks. Mark is helping them plan. Also, one in Amery, maybe at the end of this month/early next month.
- Fraternal Benefits Night: Field agent right here in NR – could host one. Amery would be open to do a joint one if it is just a couple people here and there. Five months to get that done this year.
- Coming up: They reworked St. Joseph Icon Have that in our District May 15 – June 7.
- State Convention Delegates should be announced soon. Convention April 26-28 at Chula Vista. Book hotels, etc. Officer elections should be good on that this year. If your delegates are registered and meals are paid by March 15, you get a discounted rate.
- Formaƫing of History Books has changed this year. Make sure keeping up with new format. Mark needs to have the book by first week of February before your Feb meeting.
- Knowledge contest planning is in progress.
Welcome Home Miles Casey, State Secretary, Knights of Columbus
- Thank you for welcoming me back to my home. Member of this council years ago. Thank you for all you guys do.
- At the State Level, they look at me and say, “One of the New Richmond boys.” That is a good thing. Good reputation.
- Keep up the good work on reporting. You are one of the councils that are very active with this.
- Safe environment all ties in for protection of us, as members, in our order. Please make sure your officers are compliant with safe environment training. KCs need to take the training from the Knights.
- I applaud you guys for your good job across the board.
- This State Convention is important to me. Normally the State Secretary is usually the next one up for State Deputy. Hoping to meet that challenge at this state convention. Should this happen, the State Deputy usually sets up the Officer Installation at their home parish. July 27 will have an installation mass of officers at St. Patricks. There is an opportunity for Council 2845 to host a reception meal at the KC hall immediately following mass. This would be a fundraiser for the
- Incentives: With Quota of 15, Council #2845 would need to bring in 8 new members during this promotional period to qualify for the discount. If you bring all 8 in by January, you get 30% off per capita goal. If all 8 in by February, get 20% off. If all 8 in by March, 10% off. And in addition, if the council brings in 8 new members in Jan AND 8 new members in Feb, there would be a 50% discount.
- Another event on Saturday, Feb. 24: Lenton retreat in Superior. Mass with Bishop Powers immediately following. Exemplification next with Bishop Powers as special guest.
Old Business
- Last month we discussed donating $3000 to the police Wellness Fund. Time for the vote at this meeting. Voted. Approved.
New Business
- KC hall needs wall/foundation repair in the basement. Received an estmate. Motion to pay
$2500 and repair as soon as possible. Jeff/Dennis. Approved.
- Proposed increase in KC hall rental fees. Legion raised rates last month. KCs should be in line
with them. Propose increasing the upstairs hall rental fee from $350 to $400 per rental.
- Active members would pay $125 per rental. To be active, attend 2 meetings per year plus
participate in 1 function (bingo, etc). If not an active member, pay the regular fee of
- Motion to raise KC Hall upstairs rental rate from $350 to $400 per rental. Don/Rich
- Billy Thomson encouraged everyone to participate in the Wednesday, 5:30 AM, ReIgnite
Wednesday morning Men’s Group. The group is starting to meet again Wed Jan 17th in Corrigan
Hall for 13 weeks. Videos are easy to follow. Meets 5:30 – 7 AM on Wednesdays.
- Motion to honor State Secretary’s request to host officer installment reception at the KC Hall on
July 27, 2024. Don/Al. Approved.
- Motion to pay for 150 – 200 books to hand out to the public at the Safe Haven Sunday (First Sunday in Lent – see above under Chaplain’s Message). Jeff/Jared. Approved.
- Motion to pay the same amount as last year to the winners of the Christmas Poster Contest. Father John/Don. Approved.
- Motion to approve funds for a Bingo appreciation dinner. Don/Jeff. Vote will take place at February meeting.
- Mike Peterson volunteered to fill the Lecturer position in Council #2845
Good of the Order
Family of the Month: Pat & Luann Becker
Knight of the Month: Marc Griffen-Boyle
Mike Peterson – hip replacement
Shawn Fox
Louie Debruzzi
Paul Mack
Winner of Pot of Gold: Scott Meyer
Winner of Jackpot: Jeff Williams
Meeting Called to Order: 7 PM by GK Tim Bailey
Number in attendance: 31
Roll Call:
Chap Fr John Anderson Present
Lecturer Mike Peterson Present
GK Tim Bailey Present
Adv Jared Gorka Present
DGK Lee Brown Present
Warden John Linneman Present
Chanc Dennis Mitchell Present
In Guard Ed Zimmerman Present
Recorder Larry Gee Present
Out Guard John Zipperer Present
Fin Secr Jeff Williams Present
Trust 3rd Yr Phillip Mills Present
Treas Doug Mills Present
Trust 2nd Yr Troy Schmidt Present
Trust 1st Yr Al Linden Present
Approval of Minutes from Dec Meeting with Corrections John Rich Fish Fry
Shawn/Doug: Approved
Chaplain’s Message:
Bishop declared First Sunday of Lent is designated as Safe Haven Sunday. There is a problem with pornography. People tend to not believe children or acknowledge the situation. Pastors are mandated to speak that Sunday on this topic. Hoping to purchase 150 - 200 books to send home with families at both St. Pat’s and IC and at St. Mary’s. Asked the Knights to pray about it.
Grand Knight Report:
-Passed around some Thank you cards including a card from Father John expressing appreciation to the Knights in support of his Eucharistic Trip in July 2024. And a Christmas card from St. Mary’s School.
- Thank you, Jared Gorka, for judging the Christmas Posters – 110 posters. Seemed like a greater number than last year.
Membership:Jeff is working with someone. Perhaps a couple others.
Program Director: Jan blood drive has been cancelled. Feb 14th, next blood drive.
Knights for Dads Rally Sat. Feb 24 8:30 AM – 1 PM St. Bridget’s Church in River Falls. Phil encouraged everyone to attend.
Trustees Report - No report
4th degree - Nothing currently
Insurance Agent Shawn Fox
Financial plan and things you are doing to protect your family, provide for them in the future. Are we doing things the right way – using your money the right way. Using KC retirement plan, life insurance is a good way to do that. Those dollars are never going to be used against your catholic belief. Also, still time to contribute to your IRA’s or Roth accounts for 2023. Perhaps, make a resolution to meet with me
(Shawn Fox) this year.
District deputy
- Our safe environment is especially important right now. Need to stay safe environment trained and resubmit forms if needed. Maybe get a person nominated to fill that position. Resubmit your 365 and change the date on it – that is the key.
- Membership quota: 15 is the quota – we are at 2. Two exemplifications in the area: Turtle Lake in a couple of weeks. Mark is helping them plan. Also, one in Amery, maybe at the end of this month/early next month.
- Fraternal Benefits Night: Field agent right here in NR – could host one. Amery would be open to do a joint one if it is just a couple people here and there. Five months to get that done this year.
- Coming up: They reworked St. Joseph Icon Have that in our District May 15 – June 7.
- State Convention Delegates should be announced soon. Convention April 26-28 at Chula Vista. Book hotels, etc. Officer elections should be good on that this year. If your delegates are registered and meals are paid by March 15, you get a discounted rate.
- Formaƫing of History Books has changed this year. Make sure keeping up with new format. Mark needs to have the book by first week of February before your Feb meeting.
- Knowledge contest planning is in progress.
Welcome Home Miles Casey, State Secretary, Knights of Columbus
- Thank you for welcoming me back to my home. Member of this council years ago. Thank you for all you guys do.
- At the State Level, they look at me and say, “One of the New Richmond boys.” That is a good thing. Good reputation.
- Keep up the good work on reporting. You are one of the councils that are very active with this.
- Safe environment all ties in for protection of us, as members, in our order. Please make sure your officers are compliant with safe environment training. KCs need to take the training from the Knights.
- I applaud you guys for your good job across the board.
- This State Convention is important to me. Normally the State Secretary is usually the next one up for State Deputy. Hoping to meet that challenge at this state convention. Should this happen, the State Deputy usually sets up the Officer Installation at their home parish. July 27 will have an installation mass of officers at St. Patricks. There is an opportunity for Council 2845 to host a reception meal at the KC hall immediately following mass. This would be a fundraiser for the
- Incentives: With Quota of 15, Council #2845 would need to bring in 8 new members during this promotional period to qualify for the discount. If you bring all 8 in by January, you get 30% off per capita goal. If all 8 in by February, get 20% off. If all 8 in by March, 10% off. And in addition, if the council brings in 8 new members in Jan AND 8 new members in Feb, there would be a 50% discount.
- Another event on Saturday, Feb. 24: Lenton retreat in Superior. Mass with Bishop Powers immediately following. Exemplification next with Bishop Powers as special guest.
Old Business
- Last month we discussed donating $3000 to the police Wellness Fund. Time for the vote at this meeting. Voted. Approved.
New Business
- KC hall needs wall/foundation repair in the basement. Received an estmate. Motion to pay
$2500 and repair as soon as possible. Jeff/Dennis. Approved.
- Proposed increase in KC hall rental fees. Legion raised rates last month. KCs should be in line
with them. Propose increasing the upstairs hall rental fee from $350 to $400 per rental.
- Active members would pay $125 per rental. To be active, attend 2 meetings per year plus
participate in 1 function (bingo, etc). If not an active member, pay the regular fee of
- Motion to raise KC Hall upstairs rental rate from $350 to $400 per rental. Don/Rich
- Billy Thomson encouraged everyone to participate in the Wednesday, 5:30 AM, ReIgnite
Wednesday morning Men’s Group. The group is starting to meet again Wed Jan 17th in Corrigan
Hall for 13 weeks. Videos are easy to follow. Meets 5:30 – 7 AM on Wednesdays.
- Motion to honor State Secretary’s request to host officer installment reception at the KC Hall on
July 27, 2024. Don/Al. Approved.
- Motion to pay for 150 – 200 books to hand out to the public at the Safe Haven Sunday (First Sunday in Lent – see above under Chaplain’s Message). Jeff/Jared. Approved.
- Motion to pay the same amount as last year to the winners of the Christmas Poster Contest. Father John/Don. Approved.
- Motion to approve funds for a Bingo appreciation dinner. Don/Jeff. Vote will take place at February meeting.
- Mike Peterson volunteered to fill the Lecturer position in Council #2845
Good of the Order
Family of the Month: Pat & Luann Becker
Knight of the Month: Marc Griffen-Boyle
Mike Peterson – hip replacement
Shawn Fox
Louie Debruzzi
Paul Mack
Winner of Pot of Gold: Scott Meyer
Winner of Jackpot: Jeff Williams