Meeting Called to Order: 7 PM by DGK Lee Brown
Number in attendance: 23
Roll Call:
Chap Fr John Anderson P
Lecture Open
GK Tim Bailey A
Adv Jared Gorka P
DGK Lee Brown P
Warden John Linneman P
Chanc Dennis Mitchell P
In Guard Ed Zimmerman A
Recorder Larry Gee P
Out Guard John Zipperer P
Fin Secr Jeff Williams A
Trust 3rd Yr Phillip Mills P
Treas Doug Mills P
Trust 2nd Yr Troy Schmidt P
Trust 1st Yr Al Linden P
Approval of Minutes from June Meeting: Doug/Al Approved
Chaplain’s Message: When Peter walked on water, he didn’t sink and THEN became afraid. He became afraid, THEN began to sink. What are we frightened off? To Realize God is calling us to do something? Calling us to proclaim the kingdom? Calling us to walk on the water?
We need to struggle to keep our fear at bay. God loves us enough to not let us sink.
Phil is talking with a person from SD who is thinking of transferring.
Al Lingen approached Kevin Derrick.
Mike talking with Phil Butler.
Jeff working with Travis Broten – in process of setting up an exemplification date.
Program Director
Tootsie Roll Sales: Aug 17, 18, 19. Sign up Genius out there. Please sign up for a two-hour shift. It helps people understand what the Knights do. Special Olympics & RISE main benefactors from the sale.
Punt, Pass, & Kick: Aug 30 at Corn Fest held at NRA (New Richmond Area) Center. Chris Ruud working with a Soccer Challenge as well. Ages 9, 10, 11, & 12. Both Girls & Boys “Divisions” Looking for volunteers to help with process that day.
Blood Drive: Aug 23 KC Hall
Oct 14 Fall Festival at KC Hall. Fall festival includes a silent auction. Band at night for adults. All proceeds go to church. Asking for volunteers. Capacity of 250 people. Asking for bartender’s license.
4th Degree Exemplification at IC – May 2024
Old Business
No news from Wills Playground at this time (Editor’s note at time of writing: Aug 24 11:30 AM – 1:30 PM Grand Opening Celebration at Mary Park. KofC to grill brats and hotdogs for NR Community Foundation).
New Business
Troy Schmidt reported that the Budget Committee had met. The committee felt it necessary to document what we donate and have it in a written budget. It will also help to document what we have given in the past.
As each donation occurs during the year, it would be possible to be flexible with the amount at that time. Need a Motion and Second at this time. John/Dennis. Budget will be published in Newsletter and will be voted on at our September meeting.
Larry read the check detail to the group. Motion by Troy to pay the bills and seconded by Al. Motion Passed.
Discussion was held on the amount in the Special Account of $214,155.01 (main amount in account is from sale of house just north of KC Hall). Should it be put into a high yielding CD? After considerable debate on the amount, Motion by Fr. John to invest $175,000 in a local institution for the best CD rate possible – whether that be 9 months or 1 year. Seconded by Dennis. Passed, although there were a minority of descending votes based on the high dollar amount.
District Deputy Report (Mark):
Good of the Order
Family of the Month: Congratulations to John Zipperer family
Knight of the Month: Congratulations to Jared Gorka
Thoughts go out to Lee’s brother, Pat - had back operation, Shawn Fox, and Mark Casey.
Need someone to fill our Lecturer position. Talk with Tim Bailey.
Winner of Pot of Gold: Steve Harold (not present)
Winner of Jackpot: Tony Killian
Number in attendance: 23
Roll Call:
Chap Fr John Anderson P
Lecture Open
GK Tim Bailey A
Adv Jared Gorka P
DGK Lee Brown P
Warden John Linneman P
Chanc Dennis Mitchell P
In Guard Ed Zimmerman A
Recorder Larry Gee P
Out Guard John Zipperer P
Fin Secr Jeff Williams A
Trust 3rd Yr Phillip Mills P
Treas Doug Mills P
Trust 2nd Yr Troy Schmidt P
Trust 1st Yr Al Linden P
Approval of Minutes from June Meeting: Doug/Al Approved
Chaplain’s Message: When Peter walked on water, he didn’t sink and THEN became afraid. He became afraid, THEN began to sink. What are we frightened off? To Realize God is calling us to do something? Calling us to proclaim the kingdom? Calling us to walk on the water?
We need to struggle to keep our fear at bay. God loves us enough to not let us sink.
- 42 years ago Father Brinkman wasn’t afraid to walk out there. He is celebrating 42 years in the priesthood. Congratulations, Father Brinkman!
- Deputy Grand Knight Lee Brown is presiding over tonight’s meeting for Tim Bailey who could not attend.
- RCU Foundation Hosting a trivia night and asking for $500 donation. In the budget.
Phil is talking with a person from SD who is thinking of transferring.
Al Lingen approached Kevin Derrick.
Mike talking with Phil Butler.
Jeff working with Travis Broten – in process of setting up an exemplification date.
Program Director
Tootsie Roll Sales: Aug 17, 18, 19. Sign up Genius out there. Please sign up for a two-hour shift. It helps people understand what the Knights do. Special Olympics & RISE main benefactors from the sale.
Punt, Pass, & Kick: Aug 30 at Corn Fest held at NRA (New Richmond Area) Center. Chris Ruud working with a Soccer Challenge as well. Ages 9, 10, 11, & 12. Both Girls & Boys “Divisions” Looking for volunteers to help with process that day.
Blood Drive: Aug 23 KC Hall
Oct 14 Fall Festival at KC Hall. Fall festival includes a silent auction. Band at night for adults. All proceeds go to church. Asking for volunteers. Capacity of 250 people. Asking for bartender’s license.
4th Degree Exemplification at IC – May 2024
Old Business
No news from Wills Playground at this time (Editor’s note at time of writing: Aug 24 11:30 AM – 1:30 PM Grand Opening Celebration at Mary Park. KofC to grill brats and hotdogs for NR Community Foundation).
New Business
Troy Schmidt reported that the Budget Committee had met. The committee felt it necessary to document what we donate and have it in a written budget. It will also help to document what we have given in the past.
As each donation occurs during the year, it would be possible to be flexible with the amount at that time. Need a Motion and Second at this time. John/Dennis. Budget will be published in Newsletter and will be voted on at our September meeting.
Larry read the check detail to the group. Motion by Troy to pay the bills and seconded by Al. Motion Passed.
Discussion was held on the amount in the Special Account of $214,155.01 (main amount in account is from sale of house just north of KC Hall). Should it be put into a high yielding CD? After considerable debate on the amount, Motion by Fr. John to invest $175,000 in a local institution for the best CD rate possible – whether that be 9 months or 1 year. Seconded by Dennis. Passed, although there were a minority of descending votes based on the high dollar amount.
- Thank you from
- Father John for the KC’s gift for his 30th Ordination Anniversary
- Father John for support for the Saint’s game
- Drew Effertz – scholarship
- Darla – All Night Grad Party
- SDNR Empty Bowls – raising $24,590.06 for backpack program
- Local Fire Dept and National Fire Safety Council for KC’s financial support of Fire Safety Education program.
District Deputy Report (Mark):
- Audit is due Aug 15 to state.
- At our District Meeting. Shawn talked about Fraternal Benefits Night. Often, insurance, annuity, and retirement topics are not brought up. Many times, there are other benefits that the KCs have to offer like being a member, a member of 4th degree, program speakers, etc. During the past year, the State achieved the Circle of Honor Award, however, missed out on the Pinnacle Award due to not having enough Fraternal Benefits Nights. Encouraged council to have Fraternal Benefits nights (need 14 members at 2 FB Nights). Possibly invite non-members and use it as a recruitment event.
- Agendas of district meetings are found on state website:
- Possibly on Bingo night, display the QR code on state website and set on tables for people to scan. Online applicants are members immediately.
- Check the state newsletters for other activities and events.
- Want to promote Paul Todd concert next Sunday night in Amery. Contact Steve West in Amery for tickets. ST. Joseph’s Church website should also have information.
- Officer installation: push that into September
Good of the Order
Family of the Month: Congratulations to John Zipperer family
Knight of the Month: Congratulations to Jared Gorka
Thoughts go out to Lee’s brother, Pat - had back operation, Shawn Fox, and Mark Casey.
Need someone to fill our Lecturer position. Talk with Tim Bailey.
Winner of Pot of Gold: Steve Harold (not present)
Winner of Jackpot: Tony Killian