27 Present
Called to order 7:00pm by GK Phillip Mills
Officers: Fr John Anderson-P
GK-Phillip Mills-P
DGK-Eric Crandall-P
Chancellor-Dennis Mitchell-P
Recorder-Chris Rud-P
Fin Sec.- Jeff Williams-P
Treas-Doug Mills-P
Lecturer-Gary Jepson-A
Advocate-Jared Gorka-P
Warden-John Linneman-P
Inside Guard-Ed Zimmerman-P
Outside Guard-John Zipperer-P
3rd year Trustee-Al Lingen-P
2nd year Trustee-N/A
1st Year Trustee-Tony Killian-P
GK Report-Holy Week partake in, thank you for all who helped with fish fry and bingo
Membership-Transfer John Meisner from Chippewa Falls, WI and Earl Chapman from River Falls, WI
Chaplain Report-Holy Week & Welcome new visitors at church during the Easter season.
Treasurer report- bal of $6,094.90
Following bills read: xcel-$395.27 waste mgt-$95.46 frontier-$43.95 New Richmond Utilities- $133.65 RCU Visa-392.37, WI dept of gaming-$25.50 xcel-$306.73 Hannah Kilien $750.00 NR Co-$500.00 Al Lingen-$350.00 Farm and Home- $31.90 American Haitian Fund-$400.00 Knights of Columbus-$625.83 Doug Mills made a motion to pay the bills Mark Casey 2nd it approved
Following communications- 1. Thank you letter for food for family’s program from fraternal mission dept 2. Thank you letter from Lee Brown for remembering his recovery in monthly newsletter.
Fin Sec Report- 11,949.08 coming in and 5,874.02 coming out
Following committees report- hurting for help for bingo, only 6 sessions left, food shelf-truck in on 4/13/2022 at 11am will need help stocking trucks.
Unfinished business- 1. st paul saints game, 2. No may fest, 3. Blood drive 4/19, Aug. 17, dec 20, 4. Empty Bowls
New Business-1. Tootsie roll drive-set for Aug., much more successful in July/Aug. table for may meeting to have drive send in request, to Kwik Trip, 2. Arlene Tenner sent in call for road clean up on 4/23 weather permitting 3. 1,2,3rd degree after April 30 after 5:00pm mass, 4. St Mary’s Golf Tournament on 6/20 8th Annual at NRGC-looking for auction donations raffles, Teams registration in April-custom banner represent at hole, $500 donation to event was a motion made by Dennis Hurtis and 2nd by Mark Casey and approved. 5. Blood drive- 6/23 cancelled due to lack of help. 6. 4th degree exemplification on 5/21 at IC in Eau Claire WI 7. scholarship-3 $750.00 GK Phillip is working with Kim Palmer 8. Ice Cream Truck for CF program by 4/27/22 not to exceed $500 motion made by Don Schoenher, 2nd By Eric Crandall, Approved 9. Quilts for kids- $200 for materials motion made by Pat Becker 2nd by Dennis Hurtis and approved. 10. Convention 5/6-5/8 11. Fish Fry very successful 3/28 had 440 people served $3017.34 profit on 4/8 400 people served and $3016.57 profit-total $6033.91 profit for 2 days of good help. 12.Saints game-GK Phillip ordered tickets and forwarded email to Fr. John 13. Bingo Work App Dinner-5/20 send out communications-Laurel spouses are invited. 14. Andrew Dinner Wed 5/25 looking for support table to next month.
DD Report-5/14 4th degree exemplification at Hales Corner WI, IC Eau Claire WI 5/21/22
Medallion award winner-Dennis Hurtis present award at state convention.
Knight of month-Ed Everson
Family of the month-Dr. Steve Harrold
Pot of gold-steven ball
Jackpot-Jared Gorka
Under good of the order-Lori Cloutier, Gerald Frey, Worthy State Deputies Father
Called to order 7:00pm by GK Phillip Mills
Officers: Fr John Anderson-P
GK-Phillip Mills-P
DGK-Eric Crandall-P
Chancellor-Dennis Mitchell-P
Recorder-Chris Rud-P
Fin Sec.- Jeff Williams-P
Treas-Doug Mills-P
Lecturer-Gary Jepson-A
Advocate-Jared Gorka-P
Warden-John Linneman-P
Inside Guard-Ed Zimmerman-P
Outside Guard-John Zipperer-P
3rd year Trustee-Al Lingen-P
2nd year Trustee-N/A
1st Year Trustee-Tony Killian-P
GK Report-Holy Week partake in, thank you for all who helped with fish fry and bingo
Membership-Transfer John Meisner from Chippewa Falls, WI and Earl Chapman from River Falls, WI
Chaplain Report-Holy Week & Welcome new visitors at church during the Easter season.
Treasurer report- bal of $6,094.90
Following bills read: xcel-$395.27 waste mgt-$95.46 frontier-$43.95 New Richmond Utilities- $133.65 RCU Visa-392.37, WI dept of gaming-$25.50 xcel-$306.73 Hannah Kilien $750.00 NR Co-$500.00 Al Lingen-$350.00 Farm and Home- $31.90 American Haitian Fund-$400.00 Knights of Columbus-$625.83 Doug Mills made a motion to pay the bills Mark Casey 2nd it approved
Following communications- 1. Thank you letter for food for family’s program from fraternal mission dept 2. Thank you letter from Lee Brown for remembering his recovery in monthly newsletter.
Fin Sec Report- 11,949.08 coming in and 5,874.02 coming out
Following committees report- hurting for help for bingo, only 6 sessions left, food shelf-truck in on 4/13/2022 at 11am will need help stocking trucks.
Unfinished business- 1. st paul saints game, 2. No may fest, 3. Blood drive 4/19, Aug. 17, dec 20, 4. Empty Bowls
New Business-1. Tootsie roll drive-set for Aug., much more successful in July/Aug. table for may meeting to have drive send in request, to Kwik Trip, 2. Arlene Tenner sent in call for road clean up on 4/23 weather permitting 3. 1,2,3rd degree after April 30 after 5:00pm mass, 4. St Mary’s Golf Tournament on 6/20 8th Annual at NRGC-looking for auction donations raffles, Teams registration in April-custom banner represent at hole, $500 donation to event was a motion made by Dennis Hurtis and 2nd by Mark Casey and approved. 5. Blood drive- 6/23 cancelled due to lack of help. 6. 4th degree exemplification on 5/21 at IC in Eau Claire WI 7. scholarship-3 $750.00 GK Phillip is working with Kim Palmer 8. Ice Cream Truck for CF program by 4/27/22 not to exceed $500 motion made by Don Schoenher, 2nd By Eric Crandall, Approved 9. Quilts for kids- $200 for materials motion made by Pat Becker 2nd by Dennis Hurtis and approved. 10. Convention 5/6-5/8 11. Fish Fry very successful 3/28 had 440 people served $3017.34 profit on 4/8 400 people served and $3016.57 profit-total $6033.91 profit for 2 days of good help. 12.Saints game-GK Phillip ordered tickets and forwarded email to Fr. John 13. Bingo Work App Dinner-5/20 send out communications-Laurel spouses are invited. 14. Andrew Dinner Wed 5/25 looking for support table to next month.
DD Report-5/14 4th degree exemplification at Hales Corner WI, IC Eau Claire WI 5/21/22
Medallion award winner-Dennis Hurtis present award at state convention.
Knight of month-Ed Everson
Family of the month-Dr. Steve Harrold
Pot of gold-steven ball
Jackpot-Jared Gorka
Under good of the order-Lori Cloutier, Gerald Frey, Worthy State Deputies Father