24 Present
Chaplain-Father John Anderson-P
GK-Phillip Mills-P
DGK-Tim Bailey-A
Chancellor-Dennis Mitchell-P
Recorder-Chris Rud-A
Fin Sect-Jeff Williams-P
Treas-Doug Mills-A
Lecturer-Lee Brown-P
Advocate-Jared Gorka-P
Warden-John Linneman-A
Ins Guard-Ed Zimmerman-P
Outside Guard-John Zipperer-P
3rd Year Trustee-Al Lingen-P
2nd Year Trustee-Troy Schmit-P
1st Year Trustee-Tony Killian-P
Minutes of proceeding meeting-published in newsletter approved
GK Report-Thank you for all the help with past and upcoming events PPK, Tootsie Roll Drive, lots of events coming up in august and September.
Treasurer Report-$3,110.32
$841.28 dep
$3,240.62 outgoing
Bills-Charles $125.00, Am. Legion $130.95, Shawn Fox-$500, Tom Weinmeyer $45.00, Kyle Schmit-$50, Noah Rud-$50, Frontier-$44.69,Waste Mgt-$95.46, xcel-$72.14, RCU Vista-$313.12, NR Ambulace- $60.30, Am. Legion-$56.55, Street Treats-$439, Five Loaves-$500
The following committees-food shelf- new store in new hope mn depot, bingo-starts up in 2 weeks 9-11-2022,membership-Shawn Fox is got a few new members in mind just need to ask, round table-no report
Unfinished business-Saints game Aug 10,2022, tootsie roll drive-aug 25-27, ppk/soccer 8-31,2022, Somerset golf-Aug 19, off install-8/25/2022, blood drive-8/19, 10/17/12/22
New Business-Columbus day dinner-looking at oct 22 cant do oct 15 with conflict of confirmation, 4th degree steak fry-Aug 28, hall clean up-Aug 23 10am, pay Jeff W and Phil Mills for miles and hotel for convention.
Field Agent- Shawn fox reported with current prices going up are you still on track on of your insurance and policies?
DDR-Mark Rassmussen-Sept 18,2022 exemplification Amery, Paul Todd 8/16
Under the good of the order Gerry Fry, Jared Gorka, Shawn Fox
Knight of Month - Eric Crandall
Family of the month - Don S
Jackpot - Jim Utecht
Pot of Gold - Thomas J. Daul (absent)