Meeting Feb 14, 2023 at 7:00pm
25 presentChap-Fr John Anderson-P
GK-Phillip Mills-P
DGK-Tim Bailey-P
Chan-Dennis Mitchell-P
Rec-Chris Rud-P
Fin Sect-Doug Mills-P
Treas-Jeff Williams-P
Lect-Lee Brown-P
Adv-Jared Gorka-P
Ward-John Linneman-A
Ins Guard-Ed Zimmerman-P
Out Guard-John Zipperer-P
Trustee-3rd Year-Tony Killian-A
Trustee-2nd Year- Troy Schmit-A
Trustee-1st-Al Lingen-P
Minutes-GK Phillip Mills and Don Schoenherr 2nd and approved as read
Chaplain Msg-Challenge us to make every mass on Sunday during lent and invite someone with.
GK Report-Thanks for being here on Valentine’s Day.
Membership-Shawn Fox reported David butler coming and working with a few others,
Treasures report-Doug Mills reported on all accounts
Committee-Free Throw Contest 11 contestants and 2 more going on to Osceola-Gracie Cole, and Gracelyn Scribner, 2.) bingo huge Hershey bar to possible raffle off on Sunday 2/19/23 3.) fish fry 3/10- 3/31 contact Phillip, rich, or al lingen drive in and inside with bingo, flyers for new Richmond and st pats and Facebook 4.) knights for dads 45 to 50 families there-given medal of st joseph.
New Business-Catechesis of the good shepherd, Kendra bos emailed GK Phillip Mills-about wood working to build stuff about $20-$500 worth. 2.) Empty bowls -$300 donations Doug mills 1 and Jared gorka 2nd and approved 3rd all night grand party from ed Zimmerman-$500 1st pat Becker and 2nd rich Lyons approved 3.) quilts for kids-$200 1st Doug mills and rich Lyons 2nd and approved. 4.) Rich Lyons brought up garage on outside door for fish fry from garage by gibbys -10x20 w 3 feet porch-$10,000 Pat Becker 1st to refer to officers on garage and 2nd by Doug mills and approved. 5.) Women’s group start at 9am at IC 4 areas working on 1 with bingo at Deerfield 2 clean up cemeteries 1st-Don Schoenherr and Shawn fox 2nd and approved $500 6.) Men’s group 6am-7:30am every wed of lent at KC Hall 7.) Jeff Williams brought up anything over $500 should be brought to officers meeting-Resolution for knights of Columbus “it is resolved that any monetary amounts exceeding $500 shall be referred to the officers committee for consideration and inclusion on the meeting agenda. Any motions not on the agenda will not be in order and will not be considered during regular meetings. 8.) Fri 2/17 Al Lingen looking for volunteers to clean out room at KC’s-10:30am.
Old Business-Need volunteers for Blood drive 5-6pm on 2/15/23, bingo cont., fish fry 3/10 and 3/31, saints game Phillip will setup, free throw contest, Cindy Speer for benefit at K of C and Approve, state convention-Pat Becker 1st Delegate-Phillip Mills,2nd Delegate-Doug mills 3rd alternate don Schoenherr and Shawn fox and approved.
Ins agent-Shawn fox K of C recognized 2nd straight year for one of the top life ins agents’ annuities 4.1% 1st quarter new annuities guaranteed at 3%, fraternal benefits online.
District deputy report-3rd quarter audits due tomorrow bibles around state-$12.50 book goal to sell 1000
Tootsie roll orders-15 cases putting in order tonight, membership drive-promote membership at 4th degree exemplification try a traditional drive, state convention get delegates to signed up history book-gk Phillip mills working on it.
Lecturers reflect-lee brown recommended a documentary about mother Theresa “No greater love to help poorest of poor-bio of mother Theresa.
Closing prayer-prayers for Bill Johnson, Gerald Frey, Al Neuman
Family of the month-John and Mary Olander
Knight of the month-Tim Johnson
Jackpot-Fr John Anderson
Pot of Gold-Roland Buchman
25 presentChap-Fr John Anderson-P
GK-Phillip Mills-P
DGK-Tim Bailey-P
Chan-Dennis Mitchell-P
Rec-Chris Rud-P
Fin Sect-Doug Mills-P
Treas-Jeff Williams-P
Lect-Lee Brown-P
Adv-Jared Gorka-P
Ward-John Linneman-A
Ins Guard-Ed Zimmerman-P
Out Guard-John Zipperer-P
Trustee-3rd Year-Tony Killian-A
Trustee-2nd Year- Troy Schmit-A
Trustee-1st-Al Lingen-P
Minutes-GK Phillip Mills and Don Schoenherr 2nd and approved as read
Chaplain Msg-Challenge us to make every mass on Sunday during lent and invite someone with.
GK Report-Thanks for being here on Valentine’s Day.
Membership-Shawn Fox reported David butler coming and working with a few others,
Treasures report-Doug Mills reported on all accounts
Committee-Free Throw Contest 11 contestants and 2 more going on to Osceola-Gracie Cole, and Gracelyn Scribner, 2.) bingo huge Hershey bar to possible raffle off on Sunday 2/19/23 3.) fish fry 3/10- 3/31 contact Phillip, rich, or al lingen drive in and inside with bingo, flyers for new Richmond and st pats and Facebook 4.) knights for dads 45 to 50 families there-given medal of st joseph.
New Business-Catechesis of the good shepherd, Kendra bos emailed GK Phillip Mills-about wood working to build stuff about $20-$500 worth. 2.) Empty bowls -$300 donations Doug mills 1 and Jared gorka 2nd and approved 3rd all night grand party from ed Zimmerman-$500 1st pat Becker and 2nd rich Lyons approved 3.) quilts for kids-$200 1st Doug mills and rich Lyons 2nd and approved. 4.) Rich Lyons brought up garage on outside door for fish fry from garage by gibbys -10x20 w 3 feet porch-$10,000 Pat Becker 1st to refer to officers on garage and 2nd by Doug mills and approved. 5.) Women’s group start at 9am at IC 4 areas working on 1 with bingo at Deerfield 2 clean up cemeteries 1st-Don Schoenherr and Shawn fox 2nd and approved $500 6.) Men’s group 6am-7:30am every wed of lent at KC Hall 7.) Jeff Williams brought up anything over $500 should be brought to officers meeting-Resolution for knights of Columbus “it is resolved that any monetary amounts exceeding $500 shall be referred to the officers committee for consideration and inclusion on the meeting agenda. Any motions not on the agenda will not be in order and will not be considered during regular meetings. 8.) Fri 2/17 Al Lingen looking for volunteers to clean out room at KC’s-10:30am.
Old Business-Need volunteers for Blood drive 5-6pm on 2/15/23, bingo cont., fish fry 3/10 and 3/31, saints game Phillip will setup, free throw contest, Cindy Speer for benefit at K of C and Approve, state convention-Pat Becker 1st Delegate-Phillip Mills,2nd Delegate-Doug mills 3rd alternate don Schoenherr and Shawn fox and approved.
Ins agent-Shawn fox K of C recognized 2nd straight year for one of the top life ins agents’ annuities 4.1% 1st quarter new annuities guaranteed at 3%, fraternal benefits online.
District deputy report-3rd quarter audits due tomorrow bibles around state-$12.50 book goal to sell 1000
Tootsie roll orders-15 cases putting in order tonight, membership drive-promote membership at 4th degree exemplification try a traditional drive, state convention get delegates to signed up history book-gk Phillip mills working on it.
Lecturers reflect-lee brown recommended a documentary about mother Theresa “No greater love to help poorest of poor-bio of mother Theresa.
Closing prayer-prayers for Bill Johnson, Gerald Frey, Al Neuman
Family of the month-John and Mary Olander
Knight of the month-Tim Johnson
Jackpot-Fr John Anderson
Pot of Gold-Roland Buchman