Meeting Called to Order: 7 PM by Tim Bailey
Number in attendance: 21
Roll Call
Chap Fr John Anderson
Lecturer Mike Peterson
GK Tim Bailey
Adv Jared Gorka
DGK Lee Brown
Warden John Linneman
Chanc Dennis Mitchell
In Guard Ed Zimmerman
Recorder Larry Gee
Out Guard John Zipperer
Fin Secr Jeff Williams
Trust 3rd Yr Phillip Mills
Treas Doug Mills
Trust 2nd Yr Troy Schmidt
Trust 1st Yr Al Linden
Approval of Minutes from Feb 13, 2024 Meeting:
Motion Don/Second Mike Approved
Chaplain’s Message: 4th week of lent. Encourage fellow Knights to go above and beyond this Easter Season. Certainly, consider participating in the Holy Triduum - Holy Thursday, Good Friday Service, and Holy Saturday. We need to show leadership especially during Lent. And of course, Easter Sunday. Also, the Stations of the Cross and Devotions.
Grand Knight Report:
Eighth grade: 1st place: Rohun Francis.
$30 first place. $20 second place. Motion by Don/Second by Lee to present $30 to each of the first-place winners and $20 to the second-place winner. Total of $80. Approved.
Insurance agent/Fourth Degree: none
District deputy
Old Business None.
New Business
Good of the Order
Shawn fox Mark Casey Steve Crosby Al Neumann Louise Debruzzi Paul Mack
Lecturer’s reflections
Reflection taken from the book: Beautiful Eucharist. By Matthew Kelly.
Eucharist is the body of Jesus. Only two times did the Disciples flee from Jesus. One, at his death and two, when Jesus initially gave them Eucharist saying, “I am the bread of life, unless you eat the flesh of the son of man, and drink his blood, you have no life in you.” Disciples who questioned this did leave his following. But the true followers, after discussing it, were believers. Question: Are we going to flee from Jesus or remain at his side? Are we going to partake in the Eucharist, especially during this Lenten season? A quote from the book, “At Mass on Sunday, the homily could be a language I don’t understand, the music could be a complete train wreck, there could be kids running up and down the aisle screaming at the top of their lungs and throwing crayons and eating snacks, OR, eating crayons and throwing snacks, but that is o.k. because the Eucharist is still present in that service.” Keep this in mind as we continue to receive the Body of Jesus.
Winner of Pot of Gold: Vincent Kaiser
Winner of Jackpot: Jeff Williams
Number in attendance: 21
Roll Call
Chap Fr John Anderson
Lecturer Mike Peterson
GK Tim Bailey
Adv Jared Gorka
DGK Lee Brown
Warden John Linneman
Chanc Dennis Mitchell
In Guard Ed Zimmerman
Recorder Larry Gee
Out Guard John Zipperer
Fin Secr Jeff Williams
Trust 3rd Yr Phillip Mills
Treas Doug Mills
Trust 2nd Yr Troy Schmidt
Trust 1st Yr Al Linden
Approval of Minutes from Feb 13, 2024 Meeting:
Motion Don/Second Mike Approved
Chaplain’s Message: 4th week of lent. Encourage fellow Knights to go above and beyond this Easter Season. Certainly, consider participating in the Holy Triduum - Holy Thursday, Good Friday Service, and Holy Saturday. We need to show leadership especially during Lent. And of course, Easter Sunday. Also, the Stations of the Cross and Devotions.
Grand Knight Report:
- Congrats to all who helped with the March 8 fish fry. 435 dinners. Rich thanked all who assisted. Next Fish Fry is on March 22. Prep on the 21st for volunteers. Need someone in dining hall at 4:30 – 5 PM to sell pull tabs. Nice to have kids do trash upstairs as well.
- New member Exemplification this Saturday, March 16 after 5 PM mass. Have Chris & Phil joining.
- Possible candidates: Matt Gross & his sons, Brayden and Jacob. Also, Brian Scribner.
- Upcoming 4th degree exemplification on May 18 at IC. Think about becoming a 4th degree.
- John Jarchow reported results of Culture of life. Disappointed with the number of participants this year. Three participants – two from 7th grade and one from 8th grade.
Eighth grade: 1st place: Rohun Francis.
$30 first place. $20 second place. Motion by Don/Second by Lee to present $30 to each of the first-place winners and $20 to the second-place winner. Total of $80. Approved.
- Free throw contest/Knowledge Contest: Need to call up the next person to attend since Katie Cole’s daughter cannot fulfill the requirements. Thank you, John Z. and John Jarchow/Laura Jo, for managing the free throw/knowledge contest.
Insurance agent/Fourth Degree: none
District deputy
- Promoting IC’s Exemplification on March 16th. Osceola’s on the 17th. Amery has a couple potential members. Possible that they may attend either ceremony. Mark will attend both ceremonies. If you need him to assist, let him know.
- Recognize Confirmation candidates with sacramental gifts. IC & St. Pat’s is in the fall.
- Resolutions committee mentioned that ads for state convention booklet are down. Full page ads (7.5 X 4.5) are $100. Or half/quarter page is an option as well. Ads due March 15th. Myles is running unopposed right now. Council 2845 would like to do something for Myles. Motion by Troy/Second by Doug to purchase a full-page ad at $100. Approved.
Old Business None.
New Business
- No bills to be approved for payment.
Good of the Order
- Family of the Month: Ed and Marilyn Everson
- Knight of the Month: Rich Lyons
Shawn fox Mark Casey Steve Crosby Al Neumann Louise Debruzzi Paul Mack
Lecturer’s reflections
Reflection taken from the book: Beautiful Eucharist. By Matthew Kelly.
Eucharist is the body of Jesus. Only two times did the Disciples flee from Jesus. One, at his death and two, when Jesus initially gave them Eucharist saying, “I am the bread of life, unless you eat the flesh of the son of man, and drink his blood, you have no life in you.” Disciples who questioned this did leave his following. But the true followers, after discussing it, were believers. Question: Are we going to flee from Jesus or remain at his side? Are we going to partake in the Eucharist, especially during this Lenten season? A quote from the book, “At Mass on Sunday, the homily could be a language I don’t understand, the music could be a complete train wreck, there could be kids running up and down the aisle screaming at the top of their lungs and throwing crayons and eating snacks, OR, eating crayons and throwing snacks, but that is o.k. because the Eucharist is still present in that service.” Keep this in mind as we continue to receive the Body of Jesus.
Winner of Pot of Gold: Vincent Kaiser
Winner of Jackpot: Jeff Williams