Number in attendance: 24
Roll Call:
Chap Fr John Anderson A
Lecture Open
GK Tim Bailey P
Adv Jared Gorka A
DGK Lee Brown P
Warden John Linneman A
Chanc Dennis Mitchell P
In Guard Ed Zimmerman A
Recorder Larry Gee P
Out Guard John Zipperer P
Fin Secr Jeff Williams P
Trust 3rd Yr Phillip Mills P
Treas Doug Mills P
Trust 2nd Yr Troy Schmidt A
Trust 1st Yr Al Linden P
Approval of Minutes from August Meeting: A correction needs to be made to 080823 meeting minutes: Correct name of one of the candidates is Evan Derrick, not Kevin Derrick. So noted and approved.
Chaplain’s Message: Father John was unable to attend.
Grand Knight Report:
- Thank you everyone for Tootsie Roll Drive $5,399.71 collected from the drive itself. Additional checks will be coming in from Kwik Trip and other supporting sponsors.
- Thank you for grilling brats and hot dogs at the celebration of Will’s Playground. It was a great turnout for the celebration. Father John’s grill is clean as ever.
Working with Travis Broten – in process of setting up an exemplification date.
Perhaps setting up an exemplification date in October and see the response.
Program Director
Oct 14: Punt, Pass & Kick at Citizens Field (Diocesan event) 9:30 Registration 9:45 Event begins.
Blood Drive: October 19 and December 19.
Oct 14 Fall Festival at KC Hall. Fall festival includes a silent auction. Band at night for adults. All proceeds go to church. Asking for volunteers. Capacity of 250 people.
Columbus Day Dinner: late October/first week in November
Oct 21: 4th degree Exemplification in Medford WI
Fifth Sunday on December 31
4th Degree Exemplification at IC – May 18, 2024
4th Degree Report
- A 4th Degree Exemplification ceremony at IC on May 18, 2024, Council has been asked to host a small luncheon (brats, burgers, etc) on Friday evening, 5 PM, for the Exemplification Team. Candidates come in the next day. Motion to host the luncheon and supply the food. Don/Marc. Passed.
Insurance Agent Report
- Interest rate at beginning of year was 3% - highest guaranteed rate since 2011. Current rate is 4.55%. Remember the Required Minimum Distribution for those age 73+. Charitable giving from your IRA directly to your charity avoids any taxes.
- Men’s Group Program begins tomorrow morning in Corrigan Hall. Breakfast served at 5:30 AM Program begins at 6 PM. Would be nice to see several of us there.
- Much talk about the Core Initiative: getting men together – evangelizing – to get councils to participate. Shawn will check to see if the Men’s group meeting qualifies.
- Diocesan District Deputy meeting on Sept 23. Should have all of your raffle tickets, directories at our next meeting.
- Getting exemplification date on schedule is important. For those who can make it.
- Council 2845 has earned the Council Programs Award & Council Insurance Award (meeting quotas) for the past year. Congratulations!
- Officer Installation is on hold.
- Procedures for Amery’s Coats for Kids Program:
- Have 1 or 2 members that keep a running inventory (spreadsheet) from yr to yr
- Fundraising is good with Kwik Trip and Walmart
- Use that list to shop for what is needed.
- Distribution at Amery Intermediate School Commons
- Invite to school needy families through district employee. They do all the invites to needy families.
- Set up in afternoon. From 3 – 6 PM on a Thursday/Friday afternoon. Gives time for families to look.
- Shop in spring and distribute in fall/winter.
- Walmart is very good at partnering with KC Coats for Kids
- Kwik Trip is the Council’s best friend in Amery. They support all we do.
- Hit up other businesses and agencies.
- Our church rummage sale (Amery) allows us (KCs) to peruse their inventory before the sale begins for hats, coats, mittens, etc.
- Contact Steve West to ask about the spreadsheet, how they use it, etc.
- KC members signed a Thank You card to Kwik Trip to support Tootsie Roll Sales and donation.
Old Business
- GK will send out Proposed Budget Report and will be voted upon at next month’s meeting.
- Part of the budget was to support RCU Trivia night. Motion to support RCU Trivia. Pat/Al. Approved.
- Monies have been moved into a Business CD from the Special Account. 5.3% 11 months
- In support of Alzheimer's Walk, there is money in our proposed budget. Motion to support Alzheimer's Walk. Pat/Marc. Approved.
New Business
- No new bills to be approved for payment.
- Don and Al had a discussion with the auditor on auditing the General Account. Currently, if money is transferred from the Bingo Account into the General Account. Then checks are drawn. This action gives the auditor the right to audit the General Account. To streamline the operation, it was suggested that the checks be written directly from the Bingo Account, rather than transferring the money into the General Account and then checks be written.
- Discussion was held regarding having an outside board on the KC building announcing Bingo and other KC events. Also graduation parties, etc.
- Jeff described the bingo laptop as being obsolete – slow, no number pad, etc. Motion to purchase a new laptop from the Bingo account. Eric/Marc. Approved.
- Marc Griffen Boyle mentioned he would like to see KC approve a donation to the National Association of Down Syndrome. Mark’s wife’s sister is in a wheelchair and is 70 yrs young. The National Association will be honoring the sister at a major fundraising event in Chicago as she is an inspiration at that age. Motion to donate to the National Association of Down Syndrome. Marc/Shawn. Approved.
- Shawn: Special Needs Planning Seminar will be presented on Tuesday, Sept 19 at 7 PM by our home office agents and general agents. . Watch it online.
- Thank you from ReIgnite (Wed AM Men’s Group) for supporting the program. Now being held in Corrigan Hall. Held 13 weeks in the fall and 13 weeks in the spring.
Good of the Order
Family of the Month: Congratulations to Doug Miller
Knight of the Month: Congratulations to Larry Gee
Thoughts go out to Louis Debruzzi, Shawn Fox, Pat Brown, Mark Casey.
This Sunday, Sept 17, we need a Bingo Caller. Please volunteer.
Still in need of a Lecturer. Contact Tim if interested.
Winner of Pot of Gold: Joel Hurtis Winner of Jackpot: Don Schoenberg