Grand Knight Report
Happy New Year! My hope & prayer is that we have a much better year ahead and are able to put the Covid-19 behind us this coming year. As comes with the new year so does change. Here at the KC hall we are making a few changes for the meetings. First: We will be having the meetings back upstairs so we are better able to social distance. Second: Upon entering the building, you are required to wear a mask during the meeting unless speaking to the group. If you feel more comfortable, you may join us on Zoom, as we will also have that option available.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 205 247 5998
Passcode: 4Zm56m
We had an Exemplification on Saturday January 2nd at Immaculate Conception Church after the 5:pm mass. What a beautiful ceremony it was. We gained 5 new members. I want to welcome to the council Jacob Fansler, Noah Rud, Russel Kilian, Maxwell Lilla, and Cole Effertz. Congratulations and welcome to council 2845. We are happy that you joined.
A big THANK YOU to the team members who helped with exemplification, Don Schoenherr, Doug Mills, Tony Kilian, Shawn Fox, Ed Zimmerman, Miles Casey, and last but not least Fr. John. What a great job done by all.
Brother & Sir Knight John F. Ball Jr. passed away December 21. 2020. John was 97 years old and a member of our council for 78 years. John was a Past Grand Knight, Former District Deputy, and was the Charter Faithful Navigator of our Lawrence P. Gherty Fourth Degree Assembly. John and his wife Marianne were instrumental in starting the Fourth Degree in New Richmond. There are five members of John’s family in our council: sons John & Mark, son-in-law Robin Haffner, and grandsons Richard & Jonathan Haffner. Our prayers are with the entire Ball family. Thanks for all the Life Saver candies, John. We will certainly miss you.
Christmas Poster Contest
Here are the winners for the Christmas poster contest from St. Mary’s School here in New Richmond
.1st Place 2nd Place 3rd Place
Grade 1
Eddie Brown Luke Helgerson Callie Meyer
Grade 2
Stella Ashmore Gracelyn Cole Elsie Mitchell
Grade 3
Clio Gregerson Zoe Gleason Avery Bolder
Grade 4
Madisyn Brantner Chloe Brotzler Gwendolyn Elmhorst
A Thank You to Beverly Bibeau for her donation of $500 to our KC Council in memory of her husband David Bibeau. Thanks much Beverly.
We received our money for the Tootsie Roll Drive
to be dispersed as follows:
Special Services Dept. NR Public School $948.62, Lumberjack special Olympics $948.62
ADRC St. Croix County $948.62
Birth to Three St. Croix County $948.61.
Thanks to all who helped selling the Tootsie Rolls. See what wonderful work can be done with a little effort.
Dates to Remember
Sunday January 10, 7:pm Bingo @ KC Hall
Tuesday January 12, 7:pm Meeting KC Hall & Zoom
Saturday January 16th 4th degree Exemplification KC hall
Sunday January 17th 7:pm Bingo KC Hall
Sunday January 24th 7:pm Bingo KC Hall
Friday January 29th 7:pm Bingo KC Hall
Sunday January 31st 7:pm Bingo KC Hall
Sunday February 7th 7:pm Bingo KC Hall
Tuesday February 9th Meeting KC Hall & Zoom
Wednesday February 17th Blood Drive KC Hall
Birthday wishes for those over 60 for the month of January go out to. Robert Ziller, James Murtha, Michael Peterson, Lyle Lange, Bill Stacken, Thomas Weinmeyer, Michael Stevens, John Zipperer, J Evans, Thomas Heiss, Robert Derrick, & Dale Durand. Please wish them a Happy Birthday.
Knight of the Month: Brian Erickson
Family of the Month: Pat & Luann Becker
Jackpot: Jeff Williams
Pot of Gold: David Suennen (absent)
Alan Lingen,
Grand Knight