We are planning a first degree before our next meeting. If you know of any Catholic gentleman who is not a current brother, please take a minute and ask him to join our brotherhood.
We are planning a bingo appreciation dinner tentatively the 15th of February. Al Lingen is chairing this event and we are anticipating another incredible meal as always. If you have helped out with bingo this past year, you are invited to bring your wife or significant other and enjoy.
Our free throw contest is set for this coming weekend Sunday the 8th @ 12:30. If you have some time please come and help with this event for our youth.
We were presented with a list of items needed by the CF department, we were able to help out with many of them as we donated $500.00 to the Christian formation department.
The council also decided to make a donation to St. Mary’s Mardi Gras fundraiser of 2 each of (4) fish fry dinners & (2) raffle tickets.
John Jarchow was the big winner of our bingo jackpot the last Friday of the month. John won over $1,200.00, be sure to congratulate him.
Yearly Dues
Thanks to all who were very prompt in sending dues and raffle tickets to FS Pat Earley. If you haven't yet done so, please forward your $20 dues to Pat at 1453 County Road GG, New Richmond. Raffle tickets and PKD can all be included on one check if you like.
Bingo is the major money maker for our council; we will need help on Sunday nights and the last Friday night of each month. We would also love to see you and your families show up and try to win some of the big money we give out every session. Please let Doug Mills know what night you can help.
Fish Fry We set the dates for our annual fish fry’s. They will be held on March 20th and 27th. We will be in need of as many members as we can get to help with the two Friday nights. Please help if you can. We will also need volunteers to bring in desserts during the day on Friday.
1st, 2nd, & 3rd Degrees
St Croix Council 1762 in Hudson is holding a first, second and third degree exemplification on Saturday, April 18th, 2015. All of the degrees will be held in the morning 8:00, 9:15 & 10:30, registration is ½ hour before each degree. The council will provide rolls, coffee and juice prior to the first degree and in between the degrees for candidates and brother Knights. The council will provide lunch and beverages following the third degree.
Raffle Tickets
Please help those in need by buying or selling the 5 tickets included with your December newsletter. For more tickets contact: Pat Earley at 715-808-1795.
Keep them in your prayers:
Brother Jessie Skramstad is once again fighting cancer; please keep him and his family, in your prayers.
Tootsie Roll Drive
The Tootsie roll drive will be held on April 30th through May 2nd. Please make plans to help out with this fundraiser. We will have an online schedule to sign up on in the future.
Food Drive:
Ed Zimmerman can use some help on the 2nd Monday of the month, 11:30 a.m. at Wal-Mart , West end of the building delivering food to the food shelf.
Mark Your Calendar:
February 8,15,22,27 Bingo
February 10th Monthly meeting
Knight of the Month: Matthew Rominski
Family of the Month: John Jarchow
Jackpot: Mark Steinmetz
Pot of Gold: Tony Kilian
Fraternally yours,
Jeff Williams