Admission (1st Degree) will be held prior to the Tuesday October 10th meeting starting at 6:30pm. We may have a couple of new members. Degree team be ready to assist.
Youth Activities:
Diocesian level punt, pass and kick competition to be held at the Siren, WI High School Football Field on 10/07/17.
Saturday October 7th Marathon It at St Mary’s School with help from KC members acting as safty patrol.
Bingo: KC Bingo has begun. The jackpot was won none other than Brother Knight Pat Becker. Actually he was playing his wife Luann’s card due to her absense so she is the real winner. Congratulate Pat and Luann if you see them.
The jackpot started back at $500.00 this past Sunday. As always we are looking for help.
Admission 1st, Formation 2nd and Knighthood 3rd Degree Exemplifications: Saturday November 4, 2017 at St Anne’s Catholic Church in Somerset, Wi.
Admission degree Registraition 7:30 am Start 8:00 am
Formation Degree Registration 8:30 am Start 9:15 am
Knighthood Degree Registration 10:00 am Start 10:30 am
Those who are 1st Degree this is a great opportunity to advance to full Knighthood. More details at this months meeting.
Columbus Day and award Dinner: Our annual Columbus Day and awards dinner will be held on October 21, 2017
Social hour 5:30 pm.
Meal 6:30 pm with program to follow.
Food Drive: Ed Zimmerman can always use help on the 2nd Monday of each month, 11:30 a.m. at Wal-Mart (southwest end of the building) to help load food and deliver it to the food shelf.
5th Sunday: October 29th Insurance: If you have any questions about Knights of Columbus Insurance, please contact our field agent: [email protected] 651-324-1209
Keep them in your prayers: Brother John Mortenson, Jim Utecht, Louis Dabruzi
Tabled motion: At our September meeting a motion was made and seconded to donate $1,700.00 to the Catholic Formation Edge Program for the purchase of Bibles for the students. This is being published to let the entire council know as the council will vote on at the October meeting.
Knights in action! Give Al Lingen a call to help out with the IC Church landscaping project. 715-781-0095
Knight of the Month: Al Lingen
Family of the Month: Terry Palmer
Jackpot: Tony Kilian
Pot of Gold: Brian Frey (absent)
Fraternally yours,
Doug Mills, Grand Knight