There were two local house fires last month that we turned into the State office for $300 benefit checks, and in both cases our council matched the $300 from our own charity account. Each of the two families received immediate help of $600.00 from the Knights.
Fish Fry compliments are still arriving. In late April, someone phoned the Chamber of Commerce to get a contact name and number and called to say they wished the fish fry was year ‘round and it was the best they’d had. What a great call to take!
Attention KC members, spouses and family members!
There is a need within the parishes for additional ushers at all the masses. If you or family members are interested, please contact Ed Zimmerman at 715-821-6555 or email at [email protected].
Youth Activities: The youth from our parish were able to accomplish the task of the roadside clean up on County Road G. Thank you to all of those that helped out. Thanks to Troy Schmit (assisted by Pat Earley) for organizing spring yard cleanup at the hall. Troy enlisted three confirmation students to rake and mulch the grounds, and have the yard looking good again!
St Mary’s School Golf Tournament:
St Mary’s School will be hosting its 5th Annual Golf Tournament on Monday, June 17, 2019. All proceeds will support St. Mary’s School K-8 students and staff. This is the school’s second largest fund raiser. Last year raising just over $20,000 for the school. See Jeff Williams for more details.
Membership News: Mark Klinger is now an Honorary Life member. Mark joined the Knights on April 6, 1986 and is a Third-degree member. Congratulations and thanks for your 33 years of service Mark!
Welcome back to member Kelly Peterson, who rejoined our council in April. Great to see you again!
We also welcome to our council, John Pape, who transferred from the UW Madison College Council. John is the son of Jeff Pape, a longtime member of #2845.
If you know of someone interested in joining the Knights of Columbus, please let Al Lingen know. It is as simple as just asking someone if they would like to know more information about the KC’s.
Insurance: If you have any questions about Knights of Columbus Insurance, please contact our field agent: [email protected] 651-324-1209
KC Bingo: There is only two dates left for this KC Bingo season. Please sign up by using Sign Up Genius.
Food Drive: Congratulations to Ed Zimmerman for the volunteer of the year award This is based on the significant contribution your service has made to Five Loaves Food Shelf with the help of the Knights of Columbus The United Way St Croix Valley recognizing the award winners on Wednesday, May 1st with a luncheon at the John Coughlin Food Resource Center (11:30 - 1:00 PM). Thank you, Ed, for all you do for our community
Final State Raffle report: As a council, we bought and sold 980 tickets. This exceeds our goal of 3 tickets per member. Top Salesmen for 2019 are Shawn Fox (65), Don Schoenherr (55), and Dean Mergen (30). Deserving of honorable mention are Steve Crosby, (not yet a member) who bought close to 40 tickets while attending bingo, and Charlie Jacoby, who sold 45 tickets at the Fish Fry’s plus his own 5, for a total of 50. It bears repeating that every ticket count, and we thank each of you who bought a ticket.
Knight of the Month: Ed Zimmerman
Family of the Month: Steve Crosby
Jackpot: Matt Rominski
Pot of Gold: Mike Peterson, was present and won.
Fraternally yours,
Doug Mills, Grand Knight