Officers @ 6:30 pm
Grand Knight Report: I hope everyone had a happy 4th of July.
Please read through this newsletter and take note of all the Council Activities that are coming up and be ready to lend a helping hand.
Youth Activities: Our annual Punt, Pass, and Kick, and Soccer challenge is coming up right around the corner. We will need a chairman to coordinate each of these events. If you are interested in helping or chairing either or both of these events, please contact our program coordinator Doug Mills.
Work Camp will be leaving for Lame Deer Montana in July. May they have a safe and spiritually fulfilling trip.
Bingo: We will be having bingo at 7:00 p.m. Friday and Saturday evening during Fun Fest for .25 a card. Please help out if you can or come and play some bingo.
Food Drive: Ed Zimmerman can always use help on the 2nd Monday of each month, 11:30 a.m. at Wal-Mart (southwest end of the building) to help load food and deliver it to the food shelf.
Welcome: It is my pleasure to send you greetings as I introduce myself as your new District Deputy. This has the makings of an exciting year, there are a number of changes taking place right here at our home District. In addition to you getting a new District Deputy, District 81 is also expanding with the inclusion of Council 2845, New Richmond and Council 6759, Somerset. I enthusiastically welcome Councils 2845 and 6759 to District 81. From: Paul Krenik
District Meeting:
Wednesday, July 27, 6:30 PM. St Pats Church, Hudson, KC Room. Requested attendees are GK, DGK, FS, Membership and Program Directors.
5th Sunday: Thanks to all who help with the 5th Sunday donuts and coffee. The next one will be July 31st.
Insurance: If you have any questions about Knights of Columbus Insurance, please contact our field agent! [email protected] 651-324-1209
Please welcome Ryan Stowers into our council via transfer from Cumberland #6051. Ryan is a teacher in the NR School District.
Keep them in your prayers: Brother Knight Tom Doar died June 20th in Naples, Fl. Tom joined the Knights on February 13, 1949. He was a Third Degree member. Tom was our eldest member at age 95. May he rest in peace.
We are also sad to report the death of Betty Mitchell, the wife of one of our Charter members, Ray Mitchell. Sons Jim and Dennis as well as five of her grandsons: Cory, Curtiss, James, Kyle, and Chad are all KC members.
GOLF TOURNAMENT: The Somerset KC Council is holding its 19th annual golf tournament Friday August 19th 2016 at Bristol Ridge. For more info call 715-760-0486 or [email protected]
Any foursome registered by July 19th will get a second entry into a special drawing. Contact Grand Knight Anthony Kilian as I have a registration form you can use to register or for more info.
Congratulations!: Sir Knight Louis Dabruzzi has achieved Honorary Life status. Louie joined the Knights on October 12, 1981 and is a Fourth Degree member. Louie has been our right hand man at the 5th Sunday gatherings for many years. He is a dedicated member, attending all our meetings. He was elected outside guard for the coming year. Congratulations Louie!
Knight of the Month: Al Lingen
Family of the Month: Dennis and Jackie Mitchell
Jackpot: Louis Dabruzzi
Pot of Gold: Arnold N. Anderson (Absent)
Fraternally yours,
Tony Kilian, Grand Knight
[email protected]