The new flag pole has been installed in front of the hall; we have ordered the materials to install a LED spotlight and should have the project completed in the next couple of weeks. I would like to thank Lee Brown for donating his electrical skills for this job.
We are planning a first degree before the August meeting, if you know of a Catholic gentleman that is not a knight, please ask them to join our brotherhood.
Welcome to the Council via transfer Brother Knight David Hoffman.
Brother James Willett became an honorary member on June 25th. Jim joined the Knights on July 26, 1987. Jim has bowled with our council teams for many years. Congratulations!
Congratulations to Fr. Jim Brinkman on his 34 years of Ordination to the Priesthood.
August 9, 1980.
We need to start planning for our annual Punt, Pass and Kick competition and our Soccer Challenge. We need to have one or two gentlemen step up and chair one or both of these events for our youth. If you are interested in being a chairman or would like to help out, please let myself or Tony Kilian know how you can help out.
The Squires are still looking for young men to join their ranks, if you have a son or know of a Catholic young man, please encourage them to join. They have been meeting on the 1st Sunday @ 5:00 pm. Please contact Tony Kilian or Kevin Lorenz.
Officer Installation
The officer installation dinner is Thursday, August 21st at the New Richmond KC hall. All officers for all eight councils in the two districts (88 & 81) will be installed. It is encouraged that the ladies attend to be part of the installation. This event has a catered dinner. The cost will be split evenly between the 7- 8 Councils even if only one person comes to installation, advantage is that more officers and wives come. All Grand Knights need to contact all there officers.
Installation Ceremony and Dinner for Officers and Ladies;
New Richmond KC Hall
Registration & Social - 6pm
Installation - 7 pm
Dinner - 7:45 pm
Food Drive:
Ed Zimmerman can use some help on the 2nd Monday of the month, 11:30 a.m. at Wal-Mart, West end of the building delivering food to the food shelf.
New Baby
Brother Knight Kris Wallace, wife Jami. Grandparents are Pat & Lou Ann Becker.
Mark Your Calendar:
August 12th Monthly Meeting
August 21st Officer Install September 21st Diocesan Meeting - New Richmond
Knight of the Month: Lee Brown
Family of the Month: Tony Kilian
Fraternally yours,
Jeff Williams