Tuesday, May 10th @ 7:00 p.m.
Officers @ 6:30
Grand Knight Report: I would like to thank everyone who helped make our Tootsie Roll Drive a big success! I would like to especially thank those people that helped fill in many open spaces in our chart by working more than one shift and multiple days.
The state convention was held in Wisconsin Dells the last weekend in April, Al Lingen and I attended as delegates for our council. Don Schoenherr and Pat Becker were also there checking out all that was going on.
Our council history book received a Platinum grade for all that we have done the past year.
Youth Activities: May 21 thru the 26 St. Mary School 7th and 8th graders along with Father John, Mrs. Jarchow and parent chaperones are headed to the Black Hills. May they have a safe, fun and educational trip.
Bingo: Bingo is the major source of income for our council. Please contact Doug Mills with the dates that you are able to help with the games; or come and play. This is the last month of Bingo before we break for summer. Help is needed for the 8th, 15th and 22nd.
Food Drive: Ed Zimmerman can always use help on the 2nd Monday of each month, 11:30 a.m. at Wal-Mart (southwest end of the building) to help load food and deliver it to the food shelf.
5th Sunday We will need some help the 29th of this month, when we host the coffee and doughnuts after the 9:00 am Mass. Please come to help and socialize.
Tootsie Roll Drive: We ended with $5435.67. We have to go back to 2009 to get a bigger total for our drive. Thanks to everyone who helped out in any way, shape or form.
Mark Your Calendar: May 10: Monthly KC Meeting (7:00 p.m.) May 8, 15, and 22: Bingo May 21st Blue Mass at Balsam Lake May 29th Fifth Sunday Coffee and Donuts and refreshments after 9:00 Mass
Insurance: If you have any questions about Knights of Columbus Insurance, please contact our new agent! [email protected] 651-324-1209
Tabled Motion: We have a tabled motion from our April meeting that has to be published before it can be voted on. The motion was to donate $1,000.00 to Work Camp for their upcoming trip. It will be discussed and voted on at the May meeting.
Keep them in your prayers: Please keep praying for our Brother Knights: John Ball, Pat Cernohous, Duane Anderson, Dennis Hurtis, Roger Heutmaker, Scott Destasio, Don Schoenherr and their families.
Golf Tournament: St. Mary School is holding their 2nd annual golf tournament Friday June 24th for more information please contact: Jeramie Naser at: 715-977-0724 e-mail: [email protected] or, you can contact: Maria (Mitchell) Helgerson at: 651-792-5650 e-mail: [email protected]
Church Directory Picture: If you would like to be included in a KC picture for the church directory, please come to the May meeting. We will have a photo taken before the start of the meeting.
Knight of the Month: Patrick Earley
Family of the Month: Don/Sandy Schoenherr
Jackpot: Jerry Frey
Pot of Gold: Jeffery Slag (Absent)
Fraternally yours,
Tony Kilian
Grand Knight
[email protected]