Our council hosted the annual officers’ installation on the 20th of August. In attendance were the councils from District 81 and 88. The officers were installed by 2 former District Deputies as Mike Fraise’s father had just passed away. A delicious meal was then enjoyed by all.
Our council again sent a team to Somerset’s annual golf tournament. The results were not what we had hoped for: Prescott took the paddle!
This past weekend, our council hosted coffee and doughnuts at IC for the 5th Sunday. Thanks to Terry Palmer and Louie Dabruzzi for their help with this.
Don’t forget: there is an upcoming “Knight in a Day” on Saturday, October 3rd in Menomonie at St. Joseph’s Catholic Church/School. This would be a wonderful way to be ready for the upcoming 4th Degree Exemplification here in New Richmond on October 17th.
Diocesan Meeting:
A Diocesan meeting will be held in N.R. on Sunday, Sept.27. Please be sure to sign up at our meeting if you plan on attending. (This is for our officers and anyone else that is interested.) If you can help with set-up and/or registration, please let me know – thanks!
Youth Activities:
Our annual Punt, Pass, and Kick, and Soccer challenge is coming up right around the corner. Our new program coordinator Doug Mills has set Thursday, Sept. 24th as the date for this event. 5:30p.m. Starr Elementary Soccer Field.
Columbus Day Dinner:
We will be having our annual Columbus Day Dinner and award banquet on Saturday, October 10th. Social hour starts at 5:30 and dinner is at 6:30. Everyone is encouraged to attend. Some of our guests will be telling us how they use the funds that we distribute from our annual Tootsie Roll drive. Please RSVP to me (Tony) by October 2nd.
It’s that time of year again! Bingo starts on Sunday, September 13th. Please remember that we need help every Sunday and the last Friday of each month. A sign-up sheet will be at the meeting, please start planning to help.
Fourth Degree:
The Fourth Degree Exemplification has been set for Oct. 17 here in New Richmond. It will be at St. Mary's School with registration around 10:30; lunch will be served at noon. The Exemplification will start around 1:00; Mass at 5:00; followed by a formal banquet in the church basement. (There will be a noon luncheon, followed by a short program for the ladies.) Each Knight is required to wear a tuxedo. Cost for the exemplification is $70.00 per Knight. There will be an additional cost for the ladies. For all details, please contact your Faithfull Navigator Alan Lingen 715-781-0095.
Keep them in your prayers:
Brother Knight George Schmit died August 25, 2015. George joined the Knights July 13, 2004 and was a proud 3rd degree member. Son Troy is a Past Grand Knight of our council. George is survived by his wife Betty, and together they leave a legacy of 7 children, 16 grandchildren, and 7 great-grandchildren. Our sympathy and prayers for George, Betty, and their family.
Honorary Status:
Brother Jim Zajkowski received Honorary status July 29th. Jim became a member on the same date in 1990. Congratulations Jim, and thank you for 25 years of service to our council.
Mark Your Calendar:
September 8: Monthly meeting
September 13, 20, 25 & 27: Bingo
September 24: Punt, Pass & Kick/Soccer Challenge
September 27: Superior Diocesan Meeting
October 3: St. Mary School – Marathon It
The KC’s will be hosting Bingo after the 5:00 Mass (church basement) October 10: Columbus Day Dinner
Knight of the Month: Louis Dabruzzi
Family of the Month: Terry/Kim Palmer
Jackpot: Jason Johnston
Pot of Gold: Robert Olien
Fraternally yours,
Tony Kilian, Grand Knight