Congratulations to our Chaplain Reverend James Brinkman who celebrates 32 years as a Priest on August 9th. Father Jim is almost always in attendance at our meetings, and has been a great addition to our council and parish. We value his friendship and commitment. He hasn't aged a bit, has he?
Grand Knight Report:
The District meeting was held Thursday July 25 at the New Richmond KC hall. Much information was handed out for upcoming programs and activities. We also received checks from our spring Tootsie roll drive. The checks we received were for St. Croix County Aging and Disability Center $696.75, St. Croix County Birth to Three Program $696.75, New Richmond School Special Services $696.75, New Richmond Special Olympics $348.38, & Lumber Special Olympics $348.37. It was nice to see some of the old and the new officers from the surrounding area. We met the some of the members from the new council formed at UWRF.
We had a special first degree this past Thursday; Tim Peterson joined us as our newest Brother Knight. Tim plays golf with the KC team on Tuesday nights and will be joining the team that is traveling to Somerset to help defend our traveling trophy in the Somerset KC golf scramble.
We would like to have another First Degree in the near future, if you know a Catholic gentleman that is not a Knight, please talk to them about joining our council. Let Al Lingen know of any new prospects.
Our squires are having regular meeting again. They will be electing officers and will be setting a date for their annual road cleanup, most likely sometime this fall. If you know any young men that would be interested in becoming a squire, please let Tony Kilian know.
Youth Activities:
Our annual Punt, Pass, and Kick, and Soccer challenge is coming up right around the corner. We will need a chairman to coordinate each of these events. If you are interested in helping or chairing either or both of these events, please contact our new program coordinator Tony Kilian.
First, Second & Third Degrees:
Our council is considering hosting a degree exemplification in the fall of this year. Can you think of a better place to advance your knighthood than right here? Please consider achieving the next levels of your journey.
Keep them in your prayers:
Brother Knight Albert Raymond Kelly Jr. passed away peacefully Friday, July 19, at his sister's home in Lacon, Ill. Al was born Feb. 12, 1945, in Kewanee, WI. Al joined the Knights of Columbus Dec 9, 1980 and had 24 years of service. He was a machinist and electrician for Bosch (Doboy) in New Richmond for 26 years, and was also an avid Chicago Bears fan. Our condolences to Al's three sons, John Kelly of Amery, Albert Kelly of Boyceville, and Todd Kelly of Menomonie, and his 8 grandchildren and 2 great-grandchildren. Rest in Peace.
Please let me know if you know of any Brother Knights in need of our prayers.
Fourth Degree:
The next Western District exemplification will be held at the Marshfield Knights of Columbus Clubhouse on October 26th, 2013.
Food Drive:
Ed Zimmerman can use some help on the 2nd Monday of the month, 11:30 a.m. at WalMart – West end of the building.
Mark Your Calendar:
August 13th Monthly meeting 7:00 KC Hall
September 5th Officers Installation KC Hall
September 22nd Diocesan Meeting KC Hall
Knight of the Month: Lee Brown
Family of the Month: Jacob Skramstad
Jackpot: Al Lingen
Pot of Gold: Grant Brinkman (absent) $135.00
Fraternally yours,
Jeff Williams