We will begin our November meeting with a memorial mass for deceased members. This is a long-standing tradition in our council, and one that becomes more meaningful with each passing year. We honor all of our deceased brother Knights, and especially those who we lost in 2018: Philip M LaVenture, William (Bill) H Derrick, John R. Martin, Robert R. Maitrejean, Fr Leonard W Fraher.
The annual Columbus Day Dinner was held on 10/20/2018. The event was well attended. There were several monetary awards that were given to four organizations that support those with intellectual disabilities. Each organization received a check for $500 in addition to the money they already received from the annual Tootsie Roll drive. The organizations are: St Croix County Birth to 3, St Croix County ADRC, Lumberjack Kids and New Richmond School District Special Services. All of the organizations that received the money spoke as to how the money is being used. All of the groups are grateful for the Knights of Columbus.
This year the Knight of the year honors went to Vernon Conrad. Vernon is very dedicated to Knights. In the past he has done many of the behind the scenes work, delivering the fliers to the many businesses in New Richmond about our events, soliciting napkins and paper cups from the banks. Congratulations Vernon.
Allen and Mary Jo Lingen were selected as this year’s Family of the year. They both very involved in the church, serving as sacristans, ushers, Eucharistic ministers. Al serves on the church finance board and has been instrumental with the many projects around the church, past KC Fish Fry organizer, KC bingo helper and much more.
Emergency Preparedness meeting:
The emergency preparedness meeting was held on 10/29/2018 at St Mary’s School. Chief of police Craig Yehlik was present to discuss planning for our parishes’ safety. There were 12 KC members present at the meeting. If you are interested in finding out more, please contact me.
Attention KC members, spouses and family members!
There is a need within the parishes for additional ushers at all of the masses. There have been some procedural changes in the usher’s duties. If you or family members are interested, please contact Ed Zimmerman at 715-821-6555 or email at [email protected].
Youth activities:
Christmas poster contest will be starting soon.
Dates to remember:
November 13, 2018 Memorial Mass for deceased members prior to the regular meeting
November 13, 2018 regular meeting 7:00 pm
December 11, 2018 Christmas pot luck after regular meeting.
Membership News:
Please welcome Sean Fitzgerald and Matthew Trautmiller as our newest members.
KC Bingo is going strong once again. Please sign up by using Sign Up Genius. This will keep everyone informed as to if there are enough signed up. Simply click on the link below and sign up it’s that easy.
Food Drive: Ed Zimmerman can always use help on the 2nd Monday of each month, 11:30 a.m. at Wal-Mart (s to help load food and deliver it to the food shelf.
Insurance: If you have any questions about Knights of Columbus Insurance, please contact our field agent: [email protected] 651-324-1209
Knight of the Month Mark Griffin Boyle
Family of the Month: Matt Rominski
Jackpot: Jeff Williams
Pot of Gold: Pat Earley was present $70.00
In our prayers: Shawn Fox, Donald Derrick family
Fraternally yours,
Doug Mills, Grand Knight