Grand Knight Report: Take time to reflect and pray this Lenten season, take part in going to the stations of the cross and remember the ashes on our foreheads,
repentance in our hearts, ready to begin the pilgrim walk of Lent, no sacrifice too big, no change too costly to follow the Holy and the Eternal One into the wilderness.
Let us give up our fears, let go our prejudices, allow love to speak and broaden the community of our hearts.
Bingo: Sunday March 6,13,20,27,2022 Friday March 25,2022 (KC Hall) 7:00pm
Thursday March 3,10,17,24,31,2022 (Lift Bridge Brewery Taproom) 6:30pm
If you would like to help, please use the signup link on signup genius:
Dates to remember:
Fish Fry: March 25 and April 8,2022 (KC Hall)
Tuesday April 12th 2022-KC Meeting
Food Drive: Ed Zimmerman can always use help on the
food drive please contact him for more information.
Free Throw Contest: We had 2 participants Benjamin Dittman and Olivia Dittman, Thank you for the brother knights for your help setting that up and wish them well
next round.
Fish Fry: Friday March 25,2022 & April 8,2022 if you would like to help contact Al Lingen or myself for more information. Please help out as this is a very successful
Blood Drives: April 19, June 23, August 17, October 17, and December 20, 2022 (KC Hall)
Dues statements Dues are $20 and should be mailed to Financial Secretary Jeff
Williams: 1531 Hillside Ct, New Richmond, WI 54017.
Jeff will be on hand to collect dues at the March meeting. You can pay online by clicking on Payment on this website.
If you know of someone interested in joining the Knights of Columbus, please let me know or Jeff Williams. We are always looking for new brother knights.
March Birthday’s: Robert W. Keating, Joseph V. Keating, Walter A. Schommer, Eric W. Becker, Lee R. Brown, Gary L. Jepsen, James T. Lilla, Shaun M. Dean,
David J. Epperly, Melvin R. Konrady, Karl E McIntire, Daniel R. Olien, Allen W. Gartz, David L. Suennen, Joseph P. Rosauer, Gary L. Steel, Patrick D. Becker,
Bradley J. Johnson, Donald P. Jackelen, Mark K. Griffin-Boyle, Rev. James J. Brinkman, Scot T. Destasio, Todd R. Pastorius, Michael G. Sager, John P.
Moore, Michael D. Bibeau, Christopher L. Feneis, Joseph E. Jamieson, Bryan J. Everson, Matthew L. Rominski
I hope you have a great birthday!
Insurance: If you have any questions about Knights of Columbus Insurance, please contact our field agent: [email protected] 651-324-1209
Miscellaneous: Did you know our council has a website? You can keep up to date on Bingo jackpots, the event calendar, and photos of council activities.
This newsletter, as well as back issues are posted on the newsletter page:
And we are also on Facebook!!! Like our page if you have not already done so and share with your friends.
New Richmond Knights of Columbus
Keep them in your prayers: Jim Utecht, Marilyn Zimmerman, Lee Brown, Priests, Deacons and religious leaders, Gerald Frey, Al Newman
Knight of the Month: Tim Bailey
Family of the Month: The family of Jeff Williams
Jackpot: Eric Crandall
Pot of Gold: LeRoy Feneis (Absent)
Fraternally yours,
Phillip Mills, Grand Knight