March was a very busy month with our two fish fries and six Bingo sessions. We will be reviewing a slate of candidates for our May election at the April meeting. Please be sure to attend to voice your input.
We are several hundred state charity raffle tickets short of our quota. Remember that $2 of each sale comes back to our council for local distribution. We also get a bonus return if we meet our quota.
I encourage all of you to consider volunteering some time for our upcoming Tootsie Roll Drive. We need at least 9 people per shift to fully man our distribution sites.
May will be my final meeting as Grand Knight. I will be out of the country for our June meeting.
Hudson is hosting a first, second and third degree on Saturday April 20. Please contact me if you are interested in advancing your Knighthood.
Brat Feed:
Brother Pat Earley has accumulated some brats for our April meeting and has promised to grill them for us. Be sure to attend and join us after the meeting to welcome the grilling season in style.
Fish Fry:
On behalf of Brother Al Lingen I want to thank all of you who donated time and/or goodies for the fish fries. Al will have a full report at the meeting, don’t miss it. Many of the Ladies also helped out and we are most grateful for their assistance in making these a success. Many businesses also donated to the cause as well and I encourage all of you to thank them, they are Family Fresh, The Friendly Bar, and Kwik Trip.
Degrees: Hudson is hosting an exemplification for first, second and third degrees on Saturday April 20. We have over a hundred knights who have not advanced beyond their first degree, I encourage you to take this opportunity to continue your journey to full knighthood. There is no cost to you as the council picks up the tab. Please contact me if you interested.
State Charity Raffle and Dues:
There is still time to sell your raffle tickets, these sales provide badly needed funds to our council and the state. Our area has received thousands this year in donations from the state fund and this would not be possible without your support in selling these, please do so as soon as possible. If you have not paid
your dues, please take a moment to write a check for $20 now. Mail your tickets and dues to Pat Earley, 1453 Cty Tk GG, New Richmond.
State Programs Award:
Each year councils from around the state submit applications for the State Programs Awards. This year our council earned this award in the Council category for the refurbishment of our basement. Thank you to all who helped out on this project. As you may recall we won this award in the Church category last year.
Squires Leader:
I am pleased to announce that our call for a new squires leader has been answered. Brothers Tony Kilian and Kevin Lorentz have volunteered their time to lead our new group of young men. We hope to squeeze two more meetings in yet this spring. Thank you!
Keep them in your prayers: Our brother, Matt Geist has finished radiation and chemotreatments and is awaiting surgery at the end of April on his tumor. Keep him in your prayers. Please let me know if you know of any Brother Knights in need of our prayers.
Our Bingo jackpot is again growing to the point where it will attract notice, please spread the word. Our jackpot went shortly before the fish fries but we have had a good run in building it once again with the fish fry activity.
Tootsie Roll Drive: We have selected the weekend of April 18-20 for our annual
tootsie roll drive, we need lots of volunteers, we were short handed last year. Please volunteer a couple of hours for a very worthy cause. You will receive a call in the next couple of weeks, please be generous with your time.
State Convention: The weekend of April 26th marks the start of our annual state convention. It is being held this year at the Kalahari in Wisconsin Dells. There is a ton of family activity here as well as an opportunity to socialize with your brother knights.
Food Drive: Ed Zimmerman can use some help on the 2nd Monday of the
month, 11:30 a.m. at WalMart – West end of the building.
Knight of the Month: Kevin Lorentz
Family of the Month: Bill Stacken
Jackpot: Gale Tappe
Pot of Gold: Richard Hamble
See you at the meeting!
Fraternally yours,
Don Schoenherr