June 30 was a 5th Sunday where we provided doughnuts and an honor guard at the 9:00 am service. I would like to thank Mark Casey, Tony Kilian, Jesse Skramstad, and Al Lingen for their participation in the honor guard. I also would like to thank the Terry Palmer family for their help with the doughnuts and clean up.
I would also like to thank Eric Becker for putting the soffit and fascia back on the hall; it looks good, nice job.
Father Jim asked the council if we would purchase a new papal flag to replace the worn one at the church and if we could help leveling out and lifting some of the old cemetery stones. We are looking into what will need to be done at the cemetery and we decided to buy the new flag.
The council also donated $400.00 to the Sharron Komorowski benefit.
We would like to have a First Degree in the near future, if you know a Catholic gentleman that is not a knight, please talk to them about joining our council. Let Al Lingen know of any new prospects.
Our squires are having regular meeting again. They will be electing officers and will be setting a date for their annual road cleanup, most likely sometime this fall.
District Meeting:
We are once again holding our district meeting with Dist 81. The date is 7pm Thursday July 25 at New Richmond hall. Please mark your calendars.
Youth Activities
Our annual Punt, Pass, and Kick, and Soccer challenge is coming up right around the corner. We will need a chairman to coordinate each of these events. If you are interested in helping or chairing either or both of these events, please contact our new program coordinator Tony Kilian.
Honorary Member:
Paul Jensen joined the Knights on December 11, 1977. He took his 2nd & 3rd degrees the following month. Paul has been an active member and supporter of the KCs through the years. He was the first to "computerize" our mailing list, and managed address changes and labels for many years. Paul also helped make our Jr. High Basketball Tournament successful. Congratulations Paul.
First, Second & Third Degrees:
Our council is considering hosting a degree exemplification in the fall of this year. Can you think of a better place to advance your knighthood than right here? Please consider achieving the next levels of your journey.
Keep them in your prayers:
Our brother, Matt Geist made it to our last meeting; it was great to see him out and about. He still has some chemotherapy treatments scheduled, please keep him in your prayers.
Please keep the Tim Sullivan family in your prayers.
Please let me know if you know of any Brother Knights in need of our prayers.
We will be playing .25 cents a card bingo on Friday and Saturday night of Fun Fest. We could use some helpers to sell cards and we would love to see your family enjoy some of the fun.
Supreme Family of the Month:
Be sure to congratulate Bill and Connie Stacken on being drawn the Supreme family of the month.
Fourth Degree:
The next Western District exemplification will be held at the Marshfield Knights of Columbus Clubhouse on October 26th, 2013.
Food Drive:
Ed Zimmerman can use some help on the 2nd Monday of the month, 11:30 a.m. at WalMart – West end of the building.
Mark Your Calendar:
July 9th Monthly meeting 7:00 KC Hall
July 12th Funfest Bingo 7:00 pm KC Hall
July 13th Funfest Bingo 7:00 pm KC Hall
July 25th District Meeting 7:00 pm KC Hall
Knight of the Month: Don Schoenherr
Family of the Month: Mike & Jo Germain
Jackpot: Al Lingen
Pot of Gold: Monty Weeks (absent) $130.00
Fraternally yours,
Jeff Williams