Fish Fry: April 7th& 14th! These dates are almost here! We are in need of as many members as we can get to help on these two Fridays. We also would appreciate any and all desserts brought in each of these two days.
Youth Activities: If you can help at upcoming events, please contact Doug Mills. Highway cleanup will be Saturday April 8th 1:00 to 3:00 pm. If any Knight would like to help the Youth Groups please meet at Erin Corner’s Tavern.
Tootsie Roll Drive: The Tootsie Roll drive will be held on April 20th through 23rd. Please make plans to help out with this fundraiser. We will have a place to sign up at the fish fries. Here is a link to the online sign up for the Tootsie Roll Drive:
Bingo: Here are the dates for KC Bingo for the month of April: 7; 9; 23; 28 (last Friday); 30. What a great way to contribute & help our council raise money for the many causes that we support and it’s easy work. You can contact Doug Mills with the dates that you are able to help with the games. 715-246-6988 [email protected]
Food Drive: Ed Zimmerman can always use help on the 2nd Monday of each month, 11:30 a.m. at Wal-Mart (southwest end of the building) to help load food and deliver it to the food shelf.
5th Sunday: The next 5th Sunday is April 30th. This is also the last day of the State Convention so I am asking for volunteers to step forward to oversee this activity.
Insurance: If you have any questions about Knights of Columbus Insurance, please contact our field agent: [email protected] 651-324-1209
Keep them in your prayers: Jim Utecht, Vern Conrad, Paul Mack, and Jim Kahler.
Congratulations! To Brother Knight Donald K. Schoenherr for being chosen as the Medallion winner for the Superior Diocese. There are 6 Medallion Awards given out yearly in the State of Wisconsin. They recognize and honor distinguished Knights in the service of Columbianism.
Honorary Life Member: Sir Knight Dennis Hurtis became our newest Honorary Life Member on Feb 22nd. Dennis joined the Knights on March 1, 1973, and is a 4th Degree member. Dennis is also a Past Grand Knight, and has been active in our council for 44 years. His sons Mike, Dan & Joel are also members of Council #2845. Congratulations Denny!
Tabled Motion: We have a tabled motion from our March meeting that has to be published before it can be voted on. The motion was to donate $1000.00 (total) for: Work Camp, NCYC, and Extreme Faith Camp for their help in doing our Road Clean up. It will be discussed and voted on at the April meeting.
The $50,000 State Charity Raffle runs up until the State Convention drawing on April 29th. If you need more tickets, stop by the KC Hall, or contact Pat Earley.
Knight of the Month: Robert Slater
Family of the Month: Dr. Stephen and Kate Harrold
Jackpot: Mark Casey
Pot of Gold: Larry P. Ball (Absent)
Fraternally yours,
Tony Kilian, Grand Knight
[email protected]