I appreciate those of you who have let me know your email address. With each new address, our cost to send out the monthly newsletter goes down. We are down to just 33 mailings. Thank You!
Youth Activities: Punt, Pass and Kick and the Soccer Challenge are fast approaching. Tentatively it is scheduled to coincide with Corn Fest on August 26th at Citizen’s Field. Our hope is to get many more youth to participate in the events. Many volunteers will be needed to help out as well as someone the head up the event.
Dakotah Johnson from the Somerset Boy Scout Troop was awarded $100.00 from our council to help in the cost of construction of a shed for Grace Place.
Bingo: KC Bingo is just around the corner. We are always looking for help with this our biggest fund raiser. September 10, 2017 will be the first night for the upcoming season. The jackpot carry over from the spring is quite large so extra help will be needed to assist with the bar and help on the floor. Family Bingo was held during Fun Fest this year on Friday and Saturday evenings. The turn out was low to say the least. Any suggestions on how to make this better would be greatly appreciated.
Food Drive: Ed Zimmerman can always use help on the 2nd Monday of each month, 11:30 a.m. at Wal-Mart (southwest end of the building) to help load food and deliver it to the food shelf.
Mark Your Calendar:
August 8th Monthly KC meeting 7:00pm
August 22 District Meeting at 6:30 pm in the KC Chambers at St Pats in Hudson. Grand Knight, Deputy Grand Knight, Financial Secretary, Membership Director and Program Director are strongly encouraged to attend.
Insurance: If you have any questions about Knights of Columbus Insurance, please contact our field agent: [email protected] 651-324-1209
Golf Tournament: The Somerset Council 6759 will be holding their 20th annual Golf Tournament on August 18th at Bristol Ridge Golf Course in Somerset, WI. Please contact John Schmitt for more information 715-760-0486 or [email protected].
Tabled Motion: At our July meeting a motion was made and seconded to donate $1600.00 to the New Richmond Police Department K9 Unit. This is being published to let the entire council know as the council will vote on at the August meeting.
Looking for Men willing to share their Catholic Faith
The CF Department has opportunities for men to share their faith during formation classes this coming school year…
- K-5 th grade classroom catechist aide
- 6th -8th grade Edge small group leader (New)
- 9th grade Theology of the Body classroom aide New
- Confirmation small group leader
- St Patrick Sunday School Teacher
No experience necessary just a desire to serve God by sharing your faith and God’s love with our youth. Kendra Mitchell will speak prior to the August 8th regular meeting about the opportunities.
Keep them in your prayers:
Brother John Mortenson recovering from heart surgery.
Knight of the Month: John F Ball
Family of the Month: John Zipperer family
Jackpot: Bill Johnson
Pot of Gold: Mark A. Casey
Fraternally yours,
Doug Mills
Grand Knight