I would like to thank everyone who helped make our two fish fries and our bingo sessions afterward a great success.
We had our fifth Sunday on March 29th, we served doughnuts and coffee, and held a honor guard during the 9:00 am mass. Thank you to everyone that helped out.
We will be having a float in the loyalty day parade the last Saturday in April, 4th degree members are encouraged to wear their regalia, and any others not attaining their 4th degree will be welcomed to ride the float in some type of KC attire.
Our state council will be having its annual State convention the last weekend in April which will be held in Green Bay. Anyone who is interested in attending, can contact me for information, time and dates.
One of our brothers from the Somerset council was a guest at our last meeting, he came to promote their annual golf tournament and was looking for more KC participation.
Fish Fry
As the fish fry's are in back of us I would like to thank everyone who helped make it a great success. Special thanks to those who started at 8: AM, Jim Olien, Mark Casey, Ron Derrick, Terry Donahue and mid morning help with Jim & Inez Utecht, & Bill Johnson we would not have pulled it off without your help. A big thank you goes out to the fish cooking crew for doing another great job, also for the dining room help and the clean up crew after the fish fry's, it would not be possible without your help. A special thanks goes out to all the people who brought those wonderful desserts they were a great hit as always.I would also like to say a big thank you Jim Brockphaler who donated the potatoes & baked beans. Thanks Jim. We served 319 meals March 20th and 419 meals on March 27. Great job done by all who helped.
--Fish Fry Chairman Alan Lingen
Fourth Degree
I am pleased to announce that the Fourth Degree Exemplification has been set for Saturday, October 17, 2015 in New Richmond WI YES I said New Richmond -- It does not get any closer than this. So please mark your calendar for that date. You will have to be at St. Mary's School around 10:30 AM for registration, lunch will be served at noon. The Exemplification will start around 1:00 PM, we will then attend Mass at 5:00 PM, followed by a formal banquet in the church downstairs. There will be a noon luncheon, followed by a short program for the ladies. Each Knight is required to wear a tuxedo. Sweet Greetings in New Richmond WI rents/sells tuxedos. Rent is approximately $70.00. Please contact Judy at Sweet Greetings, PH 715-246-5221.Cost for the exemplification is $70.00 per Knight. There will be an additional cost for the ladies, not yet determined. Please contact Al Lingen as soon as possible as we need at least 25 Knights in order to hold the Exemplification in New Richmond Saturday October 17, 2015
-Your Faithfull Navigator Alan Lingen
1st, 2nd, & 3rd Degrees
St Croix Council 1762 in Hudson is holding a first, second and third degree exemplification on Saturday, April 18th, 2015. All of the degrees will be held in the morning 8:00, 9:15 & 10:30, registration is ½ hour before each degree. The council will provide rolls, coffee and juice prior to the first degree and in between the degrees for candidates and brother Knights. The council will provide lunch and beverages following the third degree.
Keep them in your prayers: Brother Jessie Skramstad is once again fighting cancer; please keep him, the Jim & Inez Utecht family, who lost their daughter Marcia unexpectedly on March 30 and their families, in your prayers.
Tootsie Roll Drive The Tootsie roll drive will be held on April 30th through May 2nd. Please make plans to help out with this fundraiser. We will have an online schedule to sign up on in the future.
Mark Your Calendar
April 12,19,24, 26, Bingo
April 14th Monthly meeting
April 18, 1st, 2nd, 3rd degree Hudson
April 25th, 26th State Convention Green Bay
Knight of the Month: Bill Johnson
Family of the Month: Jim Brockphaler
Jackpot: Dennis Donahue
Pot of Gold: Tom Atterholt
Fraternally yours,
Jeff Williams
Grand Knight