Next Meeting is Tuesday April 8th at 7:00 pm

We have had a very busy month since our last meeting. We had a 1st degree on Sunday March 16th, with Randy Rock & Jason Johnston being our newest brothers. Please congratulate them.
Following the degree we had our Bingo workers appreciation dinner. It was another fine dining experience, well worth the price of helping out with Bingo. I would like to thank Al Lingen and his wife Mary Jo for the wonderful dinner.
March 28th was our first fish fry of the year, it was a great success! We set a new record of 411 dinners served. We had a Bingo session following the fish fry and had just fewer than 150 players. The jackpot was not won, and we will be playing for approximately $3,000.00 at our next session. I would like to thank everyone who helped out with 1st degree, the fish fry, Bingo, and the many wonderful desserts that were made. Al and his crew did a great job. I would also like to thank the Squires that turned out to help with the fish fry.
March 30th was our 5th Sunday coffee and doughnuts. We also held a membership drive in conjunction with our 5th Sunday. Matt Geist, our insurance agent, headed up the membership effort and was able to get 12 new prospects. During our coffee and doughnuts John Mortensen signed up a new candidate that just moved to town. We will be having another 1st degree before our April meeting. If anyone knows of a Catholic gentleman that is not a Knight, please ask them to join us as a new brother Knight.
Please turn your State Charity Raffle tickets in to Pat Earley by April 20th. Remember that a portion of each ticket sale is returned to our local council charity fund. The winners will be drawn at the State Convention in Appleton on Saturday April 26th. Good luck everyone, and let's make a final push to reach our goal.
Bingo is the major money maker for our council; we will need help on Sunday nights and the last Friday night of each month. We would also love to see you and your families show up and try to win some of the big money we give out every session. Please let Doug Mills know what night you can help. Our new jackpot will be approximately $3,000.00 this Sunday.
The Squires are still looking for young men to join their ranks, if you have a son or know of a Catholic young man, please encourage them to join. They have been meeting on the 1st Sunday @ 5:00 pm. Please contact Tony Kilian or Kevin Lorenz.
Food Drive:
Ed Zimmerman can use some help on the 2nd Monday of the month, 11:30 a.m. at Wal-Mart , West end of the building delivering food to the food shelf.
Fish Fry
We set the dates for our annual fish fry’s. The next fish fry will be Friday April 11th. We will be in need of as many members as we can get to help with the two Friday nights. Please help if you can. We will also need volunteers to bring in desserts during the day on Friday.
1st, 2nd, & 3rd Degrees
St Croix Council 1762 in Hudson is holding a first, second and third degree exemplification at St Patrick’s School in Hudson, WI on Saturday, April 12th, 2014. All of the degrees will be held in the morning 8:00, 9:15 & 10:30, registration is ½ hour before each degree. The council will provide rolls, coffee and juice prior to the first degree and in between the degrees for candidates and brother Knights. The council will provide lunch and beverages following the third degree.
Tootsie Roll Drive
The Tootsie roll drive will be held on May 8th through May 11th. Please make plans to help out with this fundraiser. We will have an online schedule to sign up on in the future.
Mark Your Calendar:
April 6, 13, 20, 25, 27 BINGO
April 8th 1st degree before meeting
April 11th Fish Fry
April 12th 1st, 2nd, 3rd degree - Hudson
April 26, 27 State Convention Appleton May 8th, 9th, 10th Tootsie Roll Drive
Knight of the Month: Matt Geist
Family of the Month: Al Lingen
Jackpot: Ed Zimmerman
Pot of Gold: Tony Kilian
Fraternally yours,
Jeff Williams