Thanks to Terry Palmer & Bill Stacken for doing the cooking for the Totus Tuus Wednesday evening meal. You did a great job.
This past month we also helped move a lady from her apartment, which she greatly appreciated. Thanks to all who helped a job well done -- a great big thank you to Tom Heintz, Dale Ball, Bill Gleason, Dave Nelson, & Mark Boyle. (hope I didn't miss anyone)
To Pat Becker, also a big thank you, for doing the floors at the KC hall -- they look spectacular.
The front railing coming up the steps to the KC hall has been repaired. Thanks to Bill Stacken and Ed Zimmerman for taking care of the project.
At our July meeting, we donated $2000 to the IC Youth Ministry, and $500 to Halos of the St. Croix Valley.
Grand Knight Al Lingen is attending the Supreme Convention in Minneapolis, August 6-8. Al was elected delegate during the 2019 Wisconsin State Convention.
Punt, Pass & Kick – Soccer Challenge
The annual youth contests will be held at Citizens Field during Corn Fest on Saturday, Aug 24th.
We will need volunteers to run the contest. 11:00 am to 1:00 pm. Please sign up here:
Any questions, please contact chairman Doug Mills. [email protected]
Officer Installation took place on Thursday July 25th. Thanks to District Deputy Jim Mitchell for organizing, and Don Schoenherr for taking care of the bar for the evening.
Catholic Formation Raffle Tickets are available for your chance to win from $250.00 to $10,000.00 Tickets are available after Mass and during the weekdays at St. Mary's or at the immaculate Conception Church office and also me (Al Lingen) The tickets are $100.00 each and they are only selling 750 of them.
Membership News: Congratulations to Pat Brown, our newest Honorary Life member. Pat joined the KCs on April 6, 1986, and is a 3rd degree member. Thank you for your 33 years of service Patrick!
With the addition of Pat, we now have 50 Honorary Life members in our council, and 18 Honorary Members.
BINGO BEGINS again on Sunday September 8th. We will use the online sign up genius website to make the recruitment of workers easier. Please consider helping out by signing up here:
Dates to remember:
Tuesday August 13-- Meeting 7:00
Saturday August 24-- Punt, PASS, Kick & soccer
Saturday September 7th—Dioc. meeting- Rice Lake
Sunday September 8th --BINGO starts
Insurance: If you have any questions about Knights of Columbus Insurance, please contact our field agent: [email protected] 651-324-1209
Knight of the Month: Dale Ball
Family of the Month: Tom Heintz
Jackpot: Father John
Pot of Gold: Ed Geurkink (absent)
Fraternally yours,
Alan Lingen, Grand Knight