Officers at 6:00 pm.
There will be Christmas treats after the meeting (Al's chili, pickled eggs, cheese & crackers etc...)
Edmund J. Brown
Brother Ed Brown died on November 21 at age 90. Ed joined the Knights on March 15, 1942-four months after our council was chartered. With 70+ years of service, one can only guess how many dinners, dances, and other events Ed and his wife Eleanor attended over the years. Though always humble, Ed was a strong pillar in the New Richmond community, and he and Eleanor leave a lasting legacy of 8 children, 18 grandchildren, and 15 great-grandchildren. Sons Pat, Lee, and Don are also members of our council. Our condolences to the entire family. May he rest in peace.
Grand Knight Report:
We began our evening with a Memorial Mass recognizing the loss of our past brother knights. Our Chaplain, Fr. Jim Brinkman, officiated over the mass. Thanks to all who attended.Along with this newsletter is your annual dues statement. Dues are $20 and should be paid to FS Pat Earley promptly. You may include raffle money on same check if you wish.
State Charity Raffle:
Please take the time to sell the charity raffle tickets enclosed with this mailing. The charity raffle has been the source of much of our charitable giving over the years. If you do not want to sell them, consider purchasing them yourself, it will give you several chances to win the $50,000 grand prize. If you need more tickets contact Pat Earley @ 715-246-3236.
Squires Leader:
We are in need of a new leader for our Squires group, please consider becoming a leader for our youth, contact me if interested.
Facebook: "Like Us" on facebook at www.facebook.com/newrichmondkc
Rosary Leaders:
We still need volunteers to step up for leading the rosary. Please consider becoming a Rosary Leader before mass, anyone interested should contact Don Klein. Phone: 715-246-3935 or email: [email protected].
Church Breakfast:
Our pancake and sausage breakfast was a huge success. Jeff Williams headed the event and picked up supplies totaling about $100. We collected approximately $325 which we donated to the church. Helping out were Jeff, Ed Everson, Ed Zimmerman, Terry and Kim Palmer, Louie Dabruzzi, Doug Mils, Tony Kilian, Jared Gorka, Sandy Schoenherr and yours truly. I apologize if I missed anyone. Thank you to Al Lingen for the use of his grill.
Food Drive:
Ed Zimmerman can use some help on the 2nd Monday of the month, 11:30 a.m. at WalMart – West end of the building.
Congratulations to Charles Oberstar, who became an Honorary Life member on October 28. Chuck joined our council on April 9, 1985.
The following donations were voted on and approved at the November meeting:
St. Mary’s:
We made a donation of $1250 to St. Mary’s to purchase five new tablet computers.
$500 each to seminarians Adam Laski and David Neuschwander. We also enclosed a $50 gas card to both of these individuals. Please keep them and all candidates in your prayers.
We received and approved a request for $105 to purchase Bibles for our current RCIA candidates.
Sentiments for Seminarians:
he State Council hosts this program to collect and distribute items which our seminarians can use. Our council voted to purchase 10 $50 gas cards for this event.
Community Thanksgiving Dinner:
For the past several year IC Church has hosted this event to provide a hot meal and fellowship on Thanksgiving Day to hundreds of area residents. This year we donated $500.
Love Baskets:
We donated $250 to this group for the purpose of providing gift baskets during the holiday season.
Quilts for Kids & Families:
Once again we agreed to support their efforts and donated $250 this year.
Tri County Life Care Center:
Located in Osceola this pro-life group provides many services to pregnant women in the area. We voted to donate $300.
Mark Your Calendar:
Dec 2: Bingo 7 pm KC
Dec 9: Bingo 7 pm KC
Dec 11: Monthly Meeting 7 pm KC Hall
Dec 16: Bingo Hall
Dec 23: Bingo Hall
Dec 25: Merry Christmas!
Dec 28: Bingo 7 pm KC Hall
Dec 30: Bingo 7 pm KC Hall
Knight of the Month: Ed Everson
Family of the Month: Ronda Bierbrauer
Jackpot: Terry Palmer
Pot of Gold: Mark Eliason (absent)
Our Bingo jackpot is once again growing to the point where it will attract notice, please spread the word
See you at the meeting!
Fraternally yours,
Don Schoenherr