We began our meeting with a first degree, please join me in welcoming Bryan Everson, Shawn Fox and David Rewald to our council. I encourage these new members to be active members and pursue full knighthood.
There seems to be some unwillingness for members to voice their opinion during the meeting. I am not sure of the reason and it does not matter what the reason is. The point is, each and every member has a right and duty to speak up during discussions at the meeting. There is no way for other members to know what is on your mind unless you volunteer your input. I recall the old adage of the individual who always complains about the elected officials but never votes to determine who should be in office. The same is true here. You should not grumble about the end result if you were not willing to speak up in the first place. I encourage all of you to please voice your opinion during our meetings. Your input is just as important as anyone else’s.
Honorary Member:
Brother Jim Olien joined the Knights on July 13, 1982. He took his second and third degrees later that same year. Jim achieved Honorary Knight status on December 11. You no doubt have witnessed Jim working in our kitchen over the years for various dinners and fish fry’s along with other activities. Congratulations Jim!
Seniority List:
Seniority List: Congratulations to John F. Ball, who is #1 on our seniority list with 70+ years of service. The other brothers making the top 10 list are: Willie Maitrejean-68, Rev Leonard Fraher-67, Haulis Simon-65, Joe Sindelar-65, Bob Condon-64, Pat Donahue-62, Phil La Venture-59, Bud Marson-56, and Pat McGurran-56. That's 632 years of combined service!
State Charity Raffle and Dues:
Please take the time to sell the charity raffle tickets enclosed with an earlier mailing. It is our opportunity to raise money for many needy causes including the fire relief fund. Last year individuals in our area benefited from over $2000 in grants. Without our sales this money would not be available. If you do not want to sell them, consider purchasing them yourself, it will give you several chances to win the $50,000 grand prize. Thank you to all who have already sent in their dues, it saves Pat a lot of time and effort to not have to send reminders.
Mail your tickets and dues to Pat Earley, 1453 Cty Tk GG, New Richmond.
Squires Leader:
We are in need of a new leader for our Squires group, please consider becoming a leader for our youth. There is at least one parent willing to help but we need a Knight to head this important group. Please consider giving of your time, one hour per month for our youth, contact me if interested.
Keep them in your prayers:
Our brother, Matt Geist is battling stage three cancer, please keep him in your prayers. Our council donated funds to help out during this time of need. Please keep him in your prayers.
Free Throw:
Feb 10 is our free throw competition at St. Mary’s starting at 12:30pm. Please contact Ed Zimmerman if you can help out.
On November 29 a daughter, Avery Jane, was born to Kevin and Michelle Lorentz. If you see Kevin or his wife, please pass along your warmest wishes.
Rosary Leaders:
We still need volunteers to step up for leading the rosary, please consider becoming a Rosary Leader before mass, anyone interested in becoming a Rosary Leader should contact the Grand Knight.
Our Bingo jackpot is once again growing to the point where it will attract notice, please spread the word.
Appreciation Dinner:
On January 17th we held an appreciation dinner for our emergency services personnel in New Richmond and their guests. The evening went off very well and our speaker kept us chuckling away. If you hear any feedback, please pass it along. Some were asking if we were going to do this every year.
Food Drive:
Ed Zimmerman can use some help on the 2nd Monday of the month, 11:30 a.m. at WalMart – West end of the building.
Euchre Tourney:
Winter tends to keep most of inside. Is anyone interested in participating in a Euchre tournament at the hall? I had a half dozen people express interest. Please come to the meeting and express your interest or call me.
Mark Your Calendar:
Feb. 3: Bingo 7 pm KC Hall
Feb. 10: Free Throw @ St Mary’s 12:30 pm
Feb. 10: Bingo 7 pm KC Hall
Feb. 17: Bingo 7 pm KC Hall
Feb. 22: Bingo 7 pm KC Hall
Feb. 24: Bingo 7 pm KC Hall
Mar. 3: Bingo 7 pm KC Hall
Mar. 10: Bingo 7 pm KC Hall
Knight of the Month: Dean Mergen
Family of the Month: Terry Palmer
Jackpot: Jeff Williams
Pot of Gold: William P Atterholt
See you at the meeting!
Fraternally yours,
Don Schoenherr