Next Meeting is February 11th @ 7:00 pm
We planned on having a first degree before the January meeting, no candidates could make it, so it was decided to try and plan a degree on a Saturday when more might be available to attend. If you know of anyone that would like to join the Knights, please let Al Lingen know.
We have delivered over 3000 lbs. of food to the food shelf this past year and will be awarded $500.00 for the Food for Families program, which we will donate back to the food shelf. I would like to thank Ed Zimmerman for his hard work heading up this program.
We will be having a Bingo appreciation dinner for everyone and their wives that have worked at Bingo this year. It will be held at the hall on March 16th @ 3:00 pm.
The council decided to donate $1,000.00 toward the new roof repair at St. Mary’s school at the last meeting.
The state convention will be held the weekend of April 26th and 27th. Councils are required to send delegates; as such we nominated and voted to send Jeff Williams and Pat Becker as New Richmond’s delegates. Al Lingen and Tony Kilian were nominated as alternates.
The council also decided to make a donation to St. Mary’s Mardi Gras fundraiser of 2 each of (4) fish fry dinners & (2) raffle tickets.
We will be in need of helpers for the upcoming free throw contest. It will be held on Sunday February 9th at 12:30. We will also be hosting the District competition right after @ 2:00 pm.
Last Sunday night we gave our Bingo jackpot away once again, it was $1,808.00 and was won by Aubrey Williamson.
I would like to thank Laura Jarchow for her help with the knowledge contest again this year.
Yearly Dues
Thanks to all who were very prompt in sending dues and raffle tickets to FS Pat Earley. If you haven't yet done so, please forward your $20 dues to Pat at 1453 County Road GG, New Richmond. Raffle tickets and PKD can all be included on one check if you like.
Raffle Tickets
We're off to a fast start with the State Charity Raffle. You may have noticed the 2nd chance drawing is no longer a part of the raffle. This is due to State of Wisconsin rules governing raffles. Please help those in need by buying or selling the 5 tickets included with your December newsletter. For more tickets contact: Pat Earley at 715-808-1795.
Bingo is the major money maker for our council; we will need help on Sunday nights and the last Friday night of each month. We would also love to see you and your families show up and try to win some of the big money we give out every session. Please let Doug Mills know what night you can help.
Keep them in your Prayers
Brother Knight James P. Wisemiller died on January 8, 2014. Jim joined the Knights of Columbus on July 1, 1982. He was a Third Degree, and Honorary Life member, with 30 years of membership. Jim and his wife Mary Ann were married 50 years and raised four children. Jim most enjoyed watching the activities and sporting events of their 10 grandchildren. Rest in Peace Jim.
Bernadine "Bernie" (nee Kock) Mortensen, age 79, of New Richmond, Wis., formerly of Maplewood, Minn., passed away Jan. 24, surrounded by her family. Bernie was a loving and generous wife and mother to her family, and many foster children and foreign exchange students. Survived by her husband of 59 years, John; children, Gary (Jody), Cindy (Gary), and Jean Martinson; eight grandchildren; and 11 great-grandchildren.
Brother Jessie Skramstad has been diagnosed with cancer; please keep him and his family in your prayers.
Fish Fry We set the dates for our annual fish fry’s. The first will be Friday March 28th and the second, Friday April 11th.
Tootsie Roll Drive
The Tootsie roll drive will be held on May 8th through May 11th. Please make plans to help out with this fundraiser. We will have a online schedule to sign up on in the future.
Mark Your Calendar:
February 9,16,23,28 BINGO
February 9th Free throw contest
February 11, Monthly Meeting KC Hall
February 15, 4th Degree Menomonie
April 26, 27 State Convention Appleton
Knight of the Month: Tony Kilian
Family of the Month: John Jarchow
Jackpot: Louis Dabruzzi
Pot of Gold: Rodney Haffner
Fraternally yours,
Jeff Williams