Youth Activities: Knight of Columbus free throw competition will be held on Sunday February 7th at 12:00 with the District level to be held immediately after around 1:00. Please let Doug Mills know if you would be able to help out. We could use 6 or 7 people to help with registration, tallying shots etc.
Bingo: After a slow start in January with a couple sessions being canceled because of a lack of players the pot is starting to grow. So please contact Doug Mills with the dates that you are able to help with the games or come and play. February 14th we are having the bingo workers appreciation dinner starting at 2:00, so if you have helped at bingo since the last dinner and you would like to attend with your wife or significant other please call Alan Lingen 715-781-0095
Insurance: If you have any questions about Knights of Columbus Insurance, please contact Ed Knolmayer at 715-425-0773. His website is: and his email is: [email protected]
Fish Fry: We have set the dates for our annual fish fries. They are March 11 & 25th. We will be in need of as many members as we can get to help with these two Fridays. We also would appreciate any and all desserts brought in during these two days.
Keep them in your prayers:
Please keep praying for our Brother Knight Don Schoenherr and his family. Also I received this too late to get it into last month’s newsletter but please keep Charles Jacoby and his family in your thoughts and prayers as he lost his wife of 67 years on Dec. 20. Charles has been a 3rd degree member since1958.
Food Drive: Ed Zimmerman can always use help on the 2nd Monday of each month, 11:30 a.m. at Wal-mart (southwest end of the building) to help load and deliver food to the food shelf.
Mark Your Calendar: February 9: Monthly KC Meeting (7:00 p.m.) February 7, 21, 26, 28 Bingo February 14: Bingo (Bingo workers dinner)
Please take a moment to explore the council website. You can keep up to date on Bingo jackpots, the event calendar, and photos of council activities. This newsletter, as well as back issues are posted on the newsletter page:
Why don’t you check out our facebook page too? New Richmond Knights of Columbus
DUES & RAFFLE TICKETS: Annual dues are $20. 2nd notices will be mailed soon. You can now pay your dues on our website. Go to and click on “make a payment”.
Thank you to all who have submitted dues, and/or raffle tickets and PKD for 2016. Dues, PKD, and raffle monies can also be mailed to Pat Earley at 1453 County Road GG, New Richmond.
State Raffle Ticket sales have been good thus far. Please keep it going so we can achieve our goal of 1,000 tickets! Tickets for the $50,000 grand prize are $5 each. Our Council will receive approximately $2.00 per ticket for our own charity fund.
In the past year we have used these charity funds locally to purchase coats for kids, and give financial support to seminarians, disabled Priests, Love Baskets, and individuals dealing with accident and illness.
Knight of the Month: Kevin Lorentz
Family of the Month: Kevin & Angela Effertz
Jackpot: Jerry Frey
Pot of Gold: John Linneman
Fraternally yours,
Tony Kilian, Grand Knight
[email protected]