This January our parish youth ministry will be joining with the diocese to attend the annual March for Life in Washington D.C. This is the first time our parish will be participating in the pilgrimage and there is a group of 19 going. Please contact Kendra Mitchell at 715-246-4652 X247 for more information. This will qualify our council for one of the mandatory activities for the Columbian Award.
The NET retreat for the confirmation candidates are needing chaperones that for the retreat that will take place on January 12 and 13, 2019. They especially need adult males. Kim Palmer is reaching out to the Knights of Columbus for assistance. Please contact her at 715-246-4652 X228 or [email protected]. Terry could also use help with the food prep and cooking. Let Terry know if you can assist.
I am looking for someone that would be willing to submit candidates for Knight and Family of the month to the State and Supreme. This is a simple task. There is a form that needs to be completed before the 15th of each month and submitted. Please let me know if you would like to help out.
Attention KC members, spouses and family members!
There is a need within the parishes for additional ushers at all of the masses. There have been some procedural changes in the usher’s duties. If you or family members are interested please contact Ed Zimmerman at 715-821-6555 or email at [email protected].
Youth activities:
Congratulations to this year’s Christmas poster contest winners: Grade 1, Loretta Henzler. Grade 2, Adam Helgerson. Grade 3, no entries. Grade 4, Allie Harrold. Grade 5, Catherine Bjorkline. Grade 6, RJ Amundson. The winners have been submitted to the Diocesan level for judging. Good Luck to all.
John Zipperer will once again be heading up the Basketball Free Throw competition to be held at St Mary’s School on February 3, 2019. The local competition will begin at 12:00 pm at the St Mary’s School Gym. The District Level will start at 1:00 pm, same location. Please let John know if you can help out.
The Knowledge contest will be starting soon. I will be looking for someone to drop off the materials at St Mary’s School. Let me know if you would like to help out with the contest.
Dates to remember:
January 8, 2016 regular meeting
February 3, 2019 Basketball Free Throw competition
Membership News:
If you know of someone interested in joining the Knights of Columbus please let Al Lingen know. Sometimes it is as simple as just asking someone if they would like to know more information about the KC’s.
KC Bingo:
KC Bingo is going strong once again. Please sign up by using Sign Up Genius. This will keep everyone informed as to if there are enough signed up. Simply click on the link below and sign up it’s that easy.
Food Drive: Ed Zimmerman can always use help on the second Monday of the month, 11:30 am at Walmart to help load food and deliver it to the food shelf.
Insurance: If you have any questions about Knights of Columbus Insurance, please contact our field agent: [email protected] 651-324-1209
Dues: Thank You to the members who were very prompt in paying their 2019 membership dues. It’s that time of year again. Please send your $20.00 dues to Pat Earley at 1453 County Rd GG New Richmond, WI 54017. If you need more raffle tickets, Pat also has extra. Contact him at 715-808-1795. There also tickets available at the KC Hall. You can pay your dues online at and choose “make a payment” in the side bar.
Knight of the Month: Shawn Fox
Family of the Month: John and Laura Jarchow
Jackpot: Gary Jepsen
Pot of Gold: Kyle Warner, must be present to win.
In our prayers: Pat Becker, Don Schoenher, Eric Meyer and Jerry Moe
Fraternally yours,
Doug Mills, Grand Knight