We closed our year with a short meeting and Al Lingen’s famous chili. Pat O’Malley from the River Falls council gave a presentation on supporting a church and school in Haiti. This will be discussed at our January meeting.
State Charity Raffle and Dues:
Please take the time to sell the charity raffle tickets enclosed with an earlier mailing. It is our opportunity to raise money for many needy causes including the fire relief fund. Last year individuals in our area benefited from over $2000 in grants. Without our sales this money would not be available. If you do not want to sell them, consider purchasing them yourself, it will give you several chances to win the $50,000 grand prize. Thank you to all who have already sent in their dues, it saves Pat a lot of time and effort to not have to send reminders.
Mail your tickets and dues to Pat Earley, 1453 Cty Rd GG, New Richmond.
Squires Leader:
We are in need of a new leader for our Squires group, please consider becoming a leader for our youth. There is at least one parent willing to help but we need a Knight to head this important group. Please consider giving of your time, one hour per month for our youth, contact me if interested.
Keep them in your prayers:
Our brother, Matt Geist is battling stage three cancer, please keep him in your prayers.
Facebook and Website:
The Council now has a Facebook page. If you haven't already, please check it out. Don't forget to hit the "Like" button so you will see news about Bingo jackpots and other council activities show up in your Facebook news feed. You can find us at facebook.com/newrichmondkc
We also have a website, www.newrichmondkc.com
Rosary Leaders:
We still need volunteers to step up for leading the rosary, please consider becoming a Rosary Leader before mass, anyone interested in becoming a Rosary Leader should contact Don Klein. Phone: 715-246-3935 or email: [email protected].
Our Bingo jackpot is once again growing to the point where it will attract notice, please spread the word.
Citizen of the Year:
The New Richmond Chamber of Commerce announced its Citizen of the Year award, the winner was our own Vernon Conrad. Vern led the charge to install a new flag pole at Citizen’s field and is a huge supporter of New Richmond Sports activities. Please pass on your congratulations to Vern when you see him.
Appreciation Dinner:
In appreciation for our local emergency response personnel we are hosting a dinner for the members of our police department, fire department and emt’s. We are supplying drinks, dinner and a special speaker, Michael Perry. The event is free to our invitees and their guests. Social hour is at 5:30 and dinner at 7 pm on Thursday Jan 17. As a knight you are welcome to attend the speaker’s presentation. Please contact Pat Becker if you wish to attend the dinner.
5th Sunday:
On Dec 30 we provided an honor guard for the 9:00 mass and donuts and coffee downstairs. Thank you to all who served in the honor guard and helped out.
Food Drive:
Ed Zimmerman can use some help on the 2nd Monday of the month, 11:30 a.m. at WalMart – West end of the building.
First Degree:
We will begin our January meeting with a first degree. Please contact Al Lingen if you know of any individuals who may be interested in joining our order. This would be a great time to get those college students who are home on break.
Decorating the Downstairs:
Did you check out the basement of the hall? Our hall took on a special Christmas flair. Lisa Earley and Terri Schmit offered their talents and did a wonderful job decorating for the season. On behalf of all of us thank you Ladies! If I missed anyone, I apologize in advance.
Hall Improvements:
Come check out our new TV’s. I wish to offer a special thank you to Al Lingen and Pete Rogoski for mounting the these upstairs and downstairs.
Euchre Tourney:
Winter tends to keep most of inside. Is anyone interested in participating in a Euchre tournament at the hall? Please come to the meeting and express your interest or call me.
Mark Your Calendar:
Jan. 6: Bingo 7 pm KC Hall
Jan. 13: Bingo 7 pm KC Hall
Jan. 17: Appreciation Dinner 7 pm KC Hall
Jan. 20: Bingo 7 pm KC Hall
Jan. 25: Bingo 7 pm KC Hall
Jan. 27: Bingo 7 pm KC Hall
Feb. 3: Bingo 7 pm KC Hall
Feb. 10: Bingo 7 pm KC Hall
Knight of the Month: Pete Rogoski
Family of the Month: Pat Earley
Jackpot: Bill Driscoll
Pot of Gold: Jim Brockpahler
See you at the meeting!
Fraternally yours,
Don Schoenherr