It is not official yet, but Fr. John C. Anderson has agreed to be our new Chaplain. So when you see, him thank him and welcome him to our council. Thank you Fr. Jim for your years of service to our council and parishes.
The Squires are still looking for young men to join their ranks. If you have a son or know of a Catholic young man, please encourage them to join. They have been meeting on the 1st Sunday @ 5:00 pm. Please contact Tony Kilian or Kevin Lorenz. They will be electing officers and will be setting a date for their annual road cleanup, most likely sometime this fall.
Youth Activities:
Our annual Punt, Pass, and Kick, and Soccer challenge is coming up right around the corner. We will need a chairman to coordinate each of these events. If you are interested in helping or chairing either or both of these events, please contact our new program coordinator Doug Mills.
Fourth Degree:
I am pleased to announce that the Fourth Degree Exemplification has been set for Saturday, October 17, 2015 in New Richmond WI. YES, I said New Richmond -- It does not get any closer than this. So please mark your calendar for that date. You will have to be at St. Mary's School around 10:30 AM for registration, lunch will be served at noon. The Exemplification will start around 1:00 PM, we will then attend Mass at 5:00 PM, followed by a formal banquet in the church downstairs. There will be a noon luncheon, followed by a short program for the ladies. Each Knight is required to wear a tuxedo. Apple Blossom Floral and Events rents tuxedos. Please contact Cathy Rivard at [email protected] or call her at: 715-781-7897. (The new owner of Sweet Greetings does not deal with tuxedos.) Cost for the exemplification is $70.00 per Knight. There will be an additional cost for the ladies, not yet determined. Please contact Al Lingen as soon as possible as we need at least 25 Knights in order to hold the Exemplification in New Richmond on Saturday, October 17, 2015. Your Faithfull Navigator Alan Lingen 715-781-0095.
Keep them in your prayers:
Brother Jessie Skramstad is fighting cancer, as is Brother George Schmit; please keep them and their families in your prayers.
We will be playing 25 cents a card bingo on Friday and Saturday night of Fun Fest starting at 7:00. We could use some helpers to sell cards and we would love to see your family enjoy some of the fun.
Mark Your Calendar:
July 10th Funfest Bingo 7:00 pm KC Hall
July 11th Funfest Bingo 7:00 pm KC Hall
July 14th Monthly meeting 7:00 KC Hall
Knight of the Month: Fr. James Brinkman
Family of the Month: Steven &Tanya Weinzierl for the work they did in getting the Mathew Kelly presentation here at I.C.
Jackpot: Tony Kilian
Pot of Gold: Daniel Hurtis (absent)
Fraternally yours,
Tony Kilian
Grand Knight