Greetings Brother Knights,
This will be my first go around with the monthly newsletter as the newly elected Grand Knight, so be paitient as I learn the ropes. I am a quick learner but any input is appreciated.
New Members Gavin Brown, Thomas Dickson
I appreciate those of you who have let me know your email address. With each new address, our cost to send out the monthly newsletter goes down – Thank You!
Golf Tournament: St Mary’s School held their 3rd annual golf tournament on June 23rd. Rumor has it the the KC’s did pretty well.
Youth Activities: Congratulations to Carter Hagen, Reese Jacobson, and Caleb Medchill. These are the High School seniors who were awarded the Knights of Columbus scholarships.
Punt, pass and kick and Soccer Challenge later in August possibly in conjunction with the Corn Fest August 26th. Discussion at July meeting.
Kendar Mitchell will be speaking to our group prior to the August meeting to do a breif overview of the Youth Ministry vision. More information to follow.
Bingo: Fun Fest Family Bingo July 14th and 15th at 7:00 pm. Please consider helping out. Extra help will be needs to handle the selling of individual bingo cards $.25 per card per game. Bar help will be needed as well. Feel free to contact me at [email protected] to help out or just show up.
Food Drive: Ed Zimmerman can always use help on the 2nd Monday of each month, 11:30 a.m. at Wal-Mart (southwest end of the building) to help load food and deliver it to the food shelf.
Mark Your Calendar:
Officers Installation
Date: Tuesday July 25th
Where: New Richmond KC Hall
Time: Social at 5:30 pm
Installation at 6:30 pm
Dinner following Installation
5th Sunday:
July 30th Thank you Maureen Kilian for continuing the 5th Sunday going forward.
Insurance: If you have any questions about Knights of Columbus Insurance, please contact our field agent: [email protected] 651-324-1209
Honorary Life Member:
George L Dean became an Honorary Life member on June 1, 2017. George took his First, Second, and Third Degrees on March 26, 1966 and has been a faithful member of Council #2845 for 40 years. Congratulations George!
Congratulations to Sir Knight John F. Ball, Jr. - who will have 75 years of KC Membership on July 21. Johnny served our order well as Grand Knight, District Deputy, and Faithful Navigator of the Fourth Degree Assembly, which he and his wife Marianne were instrumental in getting started.
Keep them in your prayers: Brothers John Mortenson, and DD Paul Krenik.
Knight of the Month: Jeff Williams
Family of the Month: Tony Kilian
Jackpot: Louis Dabruzzi
Pot of Gold: William Stacken (Absent)
Fraternally yours,
Doug Mills , Grand Knight