A great big thank you to Past Grand Knight Doug Mills for his past two years of serving us as Grand Knight. A job well done, Doug.
As your new Grand Knight I will try to do my best to keep this council growing and moving forward in our community. I look forward to working with all you members this next two years. Your help is going to be needed to let us grow so please volunteer or step up to the plate when committees are set up.
Hope you all had a great 4th of July– see you Tuesday July 9th for the meeting.
Tabled Motion
There is a tabled motion and a second to donate $2000.00 for the youth of IC and St Patrick Church's. The youth have been very active helping our council this past year. The most recent activity was the roadside cleanup from Erin Corners to Ready Randy's. The money will help fund their work camp experience and youth retreats.
Totus Tuus
The Totus Tuus team is coming the week of July 6-12 the council has been asked to help with the meal Wednesday July 10 at IC church at 5:30pm. Terry Palmer has volunteered to head up the grilling for the group. we are in need of about five other people to help out. Please contact me at 715-781-0095 if you are able to help with this worthy cause it should only take a couple hours of your time. Please join in on fun.
Membership News: Congratulations to Jim Willett, our newest Honorary Life Member. Jim joined the Knights on July 26, 1987 and has been with our council all along. Thanks for your 31 years of service, Jim!
We welcome Richard Klucas into our council. Richard transferred from Council #3949 - St. Louis Park, MN.
Our July 1 membership stands at 318 members.
Officer Installation will be held Thursday July 25th. All officers and their wives are encouraged to attend. There will be an email to follow. Congratulations to all newly elected officers.
If you have any questions about Knights of Columbus Insurance, please contact our field agent: [email protected]
Fun Fest Bingo
Friday July 12 & Saturday July 13 at the KC Hall. Family Style (pay per card) bingo will be held at 7:00 pm both evenings. This is not our normal progressive jackpot bingo. Feel free to drop by and play awhile. Help is also needed.
Food Drive: Ed Zimmerman can always use help on the 2nd Monday of each month, 11:30 a.m. at Wal-Mart to help load food and deliver it to the food shelf.
Keep them in your prayers: Travis Lofton
Knight of the Month: Doug Mills
Family of the Month: Eric Crandall
Jackpot: Fr. John Anderson
Pot of Gold: Karl McIntire, not present
Fraternally yours,
Al Lingen
Grand Knight