We would like to congratulate Adam James Laski, one of our Seminarians from the diocese of Superior, on his Ordination to the sacred order of Deacon. This took place at the Cathedral of Christ the King on June 1, 2014.
We will plan to have a 1st degree before the upcoming meeting on June the 1oth. If you know any Catholic gentleman that is not a Knight, please ask them or give them some information on some of our good works. If you have any candidates, please let myself or Al Lingen know prior to the meeting.
Our local bowling team delivered the first place trophy to our last meeting, Congratulate them on this nice accomplishment, great jobs guys.
This past week a meeting was set up with the Salvation Army to deliver our $3,500.00 donation. They had several people at the meeting to accept our check and to thank everyone involved with the Knights. They also gave me a tour of the building and showed me the progress of the new Grace Place. I was also given one of the first opportunities to pick the room we wanted our KC plaque on. I choose one of the first rooms on the right side of the hall, figuring everyone will have to walk by our room to get anywhere down the hall. A few days ago I was again contacted by the Salvation Army; they were looking for help on June 17th @ 11:00 am. They have a donation of 80 new mattresses and need help unloading them and bringing them into the building. They would like as many local organizations there as possible as they are trying to get some media coverage and would love to show off some of the people that have helped them out. They will also have a BBQ for anyone that shows up to help. If anyone would like to set up a time to help out at other times they can contact Julie Messer @ 612-644-1443.
Our annual tootsie roll drive went well this year. We collected $4,513.21, Thank you to everyone who helped out and participated in this event.
The Squires are still looking for young men to join their ranks, if you have a son or know of a Catholic young man, please encourage them to join. They have been meeting on the 1st Sunday @ 5:00 pm. Please contact Tony Kilian or Kevin Lorenz. The Squires are coordinating the annual road cleanup this weekend; I would like to thank Tony and Kevin for all their hard work setting this up.
Keep them in your Prayers
Brother Jessie Skramstad has been fighting cancer; please keep him and his family, Terry Palmer & Jerry Kimlinger in your prayers.
Food Drive:
Ed Zimmerman can use some help on the 2nd Monday of the month, 11:30 a.m. at Wal-Mart, West end of the building delivering food to the food shelf.
KC Scholarships
I had the pleasure of awarding 3 scholarships at the annual awards ceremony on May 23rd. Please congratulate: Alecia Brugler, Meredith Jarchow, and Callie Jirik.
New Baby
Congratulations to Eric and Ashlyne Schachtner on the birth of a baby Girl on April 7th, Maria Antoinette weighing 9lbs 1 oz.
Fourth Degree Honor Guard Certification
The Western District Master will be conducting a Honor Guard Certification on July 19th in Spooner. It will be held at St. Francis De Sales Catholic Church from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm. If interested contact Fran Capra 715-822-8960
Mark Your Calendar:
June 7th Road Cleanup
June 10th Monthly meeting
June 21st State Golf Outing
July 11, 12 Funfest Bingo
Knight of the Month: Randy Rock
Family of the Month: Kevin Lorenz
Jackpot: Jerry Frey
Pot of Gold: Alfred Higgins
Fraternally yours,
Jeff Williams