Attention KC members, spouses and family members!
There is a need within the parishes for additional ushers at all the masses. If you or family members are interested, please contact Ed Zimmerman at 715-821-6555 or email at [email protected].
Youth Activities: Congratulations to Jordan Lyons,
Cole Effertz and Talon Sekora for being selected as this years Knight of Columbus Scholarships winners. Each will receive $750.00.
Tutus Tuus is coming to IC/SP this summer July 7-12th This is a ministry lead by four college age leaders who travel around our diocese on a week long program for grades 1-6 during the day 7th grade and up in the evening. Kendra Mitchell is asking the KC’s if they would be able to provide meat and grilling for the group. More discussion at this month’s meeting
St Mary’s School Golf Tournament:
St Mary’s School will be hosting its 5th Annual Golf Tournament on Monday, June 17, 2019. All proceeds will support St. Mary’s School K-8 students and staff. This is the school’s second largest fund raiser. Last year raising just over $20,000 for the school. See Jeff Williams for more details. If you would like to help man the KC booth on one of the holes please let me know.
Membership News: Congratulations to Tom Trost, our latest Honorary Member. Tom joined the Knights on April 11, 1976 and took all 3 degrees the same day. Have a great summer, Tom - and thanks for your 43 years of membership in the Knights.
Happy 96th Birthday on June 7th to John F. “Johnny” Ball. We hope you enjoyed by celebrating with family, and a big THANKS for all your support throughout your 76+ years of membership!
At our May meeting, we voted to donate a new TV to Grace Place, to be installed in the women’s room, which we previously sponsored. Thank you to one of our new members, Tim Scanlan, for handling the purchase and installation of the new unit.
Dates to remember:
June 11, 2019 regular meeting 7:00 pm
June 11, 2019 officer elections 7:00 pm
June 17, 2019 St Mary’s School Golf Tournament
June 30, 2019 5th Sunday donuts
July 12th and 13th Fun Fest Bingo
July 25, 2019 Officers Installation
Insurance: If you have any questions about Knights of Columbus Insurance, please contact our field agent: [email protected] 651-324-1209
KC Bingo: Another successful Bingo season ended a few weeks ago. This year the bingo sessions were well attended. There were three large jackpot that were won this year. The money raised by Bingo allows our council to donate to the many causes throughout the area. Thank you to everyone for helping out this year. Let’s make next year even better. See everyone the first Sunday after Labor Day.
Fun Fest Bingo 07/12, 07/13 at the KC Hall. Family Style bingo will be held at 7:00 pm both evenings.
Food Drive: Ed Zimmerman can always use help on the 2nd Monday of each month, 11:30 a.m. at Wal-Mart (s to help load food and deliver it to the food shelf.
Keep them in your prayers: Travis Lofton, Paul Mack
Knight of the Month: Tim Bailey
Family of the Month: Kevin and Angela Effertz
Jackpot: Jim Mitchell
Pot of Gold: Dave Gleason, not present
Doug Mills, Grand Knight