Next Meeting: Tuesday March 11 @ 7:00 pm
St. Patrick's Church, Erin Prairie WisconsinMass at 11:00 am Dinner following Mass at Blarney Hall Adults $8.00—Children 5 and under Free Please make reservations by March 10th Contact Kathy Harer 715-246-9819 or Pat Casey 715-246-5176.
Grand Knight Report:
We have had a number of candidates that have stated they cannot make a Tuesday night degree; we have decided to try to get as many of these gentlemen to join our ranks on March 16th @ 1:00pm before our Bingo Appreciation dinner. If you know of anyone that would like to join the Knights, please let Al Lingen know.
We will be having a Bingo appreciation dinner for everyone and their wives that have worked at Bingo this year. It will be held at the hall on March 16th @ 3:00 pm.
We had a discussion regarding putting a flag pole in front of the hall as a project this summer. Troy Schmit volunteered to chair this project. If anyone has any input, please contact Troy with your ideas.
We will have a 5th Sunday this month on the 30th. We will serve coffee and doughnuts after the 9:00 am service. We will also hold a membership drive in conjunction with the 5th Sunday, please lend a hand if you can help with either.
The council donated $250.00 at our last meeting to support our state Special Olympics, this puts our total @ $1,000.00 and well above the amount any other council in the Superior diocese has donated.
Ed Zimmerman wanted to thank everyone who has helped with the Food for Families program. If you can help out getting food from Wal-Mart to the food shelf, please contact Ed, it would be appreciated. Our council received a $500.00 rebate check from Supreme for our participation in this program, great job! The intent will be to donate this back to the food shelf also.
Yearly Dues As of the last meeting, we still had 83 members with outstanding dues. Thanks to all who were very prompt in sending dues and raffle tickets to FS Pat Earley. If you haven't yet done so, please forward your $20 dues to Pat at 1453 County Road GG, New Richmond. Raffle tickets and PKD can all be included on one check if you like.
Raffle Tickets Raffle ticket sales have slowed, and time is running out. The drawing will be held at the State Convention on April 26th in Appleton. Let's make a push to reach our goal of 3 tickets per member. Please turn your tickets in by April 20th to Pat Earley. You can also contact Pat for more tickets at 715-808-1795.
Honorary Life Member Brother James Tilly became an Honorary Life member on February 14th. Jim joined the Knights on February 14, 1989. He is a Third Degree Member. Jim & Donna have been active in a variety of ways in both our parish and community. Best wishes and Congratulations Jim!
Bingo is the major money maker for our council; we will need help on Sunday nights and the last Friday night of each month. We would also love to see you and your families show up and try to win some of the big money we give out every session. Please let Doug Mills know what night you can help.
Squires The Squires are still looking for young men to join their ranks, if you have a son or know of a Catholic young man, please encourage them to join. They have been meeting on the 1st Sunday @ 5:00 pm. Please contact Tony Kilian or Kevin Lorenz.
Keep them in your Prayers
Brother Jessie Skramstad has been diagnosed with cancer; please keep him and his family in your prayers.
Fish Fry We set the dates for our annual fish fry’s. The first will be Friday March 28th and the second, Friday April 11th. We will be in need of as many members as we can get to help with the two Friday nights. Please help if you can.
Tootsie Roll Drive The Tootsie roll drive will be held on May 8th through May 11th. Please make plans to help out with this fundraiser. We will have an online schedule to sign up on in the future.
Mark Your Calendar:
March 9, 16,23,28,30 BINGO
March 16th 1st degree
March 16th Bingo Appreciation dinner
March 28th Fish Fry
March 30th 5th Sunday/Membership drive
April 11th Fish Fry
April 26, 27 State Convention Appleton
Knight of the Month: Rich Lyons
Family of the Month: Ed Everson
Jackpot: Troy Schmit
Pot of Gold: Mark Samelstad
Fraternally yours,
Jeff Williams
Grand Knight Report:
We have had a number of candidates that have stated they cannot make a Tuesday night degree; we have decided to try to get as many of these gentlemen to join our ranks on March 16th @ 1:00pm before our Bingo Appreciation dinner. If you know of anyone that would like to join the Knights, please let Al Lingen know.
We will be having a Bingo appreciation dinner for everyone and their wives that have worked at Bingo this year. It will be held at the hall on March 16th @ 3:00 pm.
We had a discussion regarding putting a flag pole in front of the hall as a project this summer, Troy Schmit volunteered to chair this project. If anyone has any input, please contact Troy with your ideas.
We will have a 5th Sunday this month on the 30th. We will serve coffee and doughnuts after the 9:00 am service. We will also hold a membership drive in conjunction with the 5th Sunday, please lend a hand if you can help with either.
The council donated $250.00 at our last meeting to support our state Special Olympics, this puts our total @ $1,000.00 and well above the amount any other council in the Superior diocese has donated.
Ed Zimmerman wanted to thank everyone who has helped with the Food for Families program. If you can help out getting food from Wal-Mart to the food shelf, please contact Ed, it would be appreciated. Our council received a $500.00 rebate check from Supreme for our participation in this program, great job! The intent will be to donate this back to the food shelf also.
Yearly Dues As of the last meeting, we still had 83 members with outstanding dues. Thanks to all who were very prompt in sending dues and raffle tickets to FS Pat Earley. If you haven't yet done so, please forward your $20 dues to Pat at 1453 County Road GG, New Richmond. Raffle tickets and PKD can all be included on one check if you like.
Raffle Tickets
Raffle ticket sales have slowed, and time is running out. The drawing will be held at the State Convention on April 26th in Appleton. Let's make a push to reach our goal of 3 tickets per member. Please turn your tickets in by April 20th to Pat Earley. You can also contact Pat for more tickets at 715-808-1795.
Honorary Life Member
Brother James Tilly became an Honorary Life member on February 14th. Jim joined the Knights on February 14, 1989. He is a Third Degree Member. Jim & Donna have been active in a variety of ways in both our parish and community. Best wishes and Congratulations Jim!
Bingo Bingo is the major money maker for our council; we will need help on Sunday nights and the last Friday night of each month. We would also love to see you and your families show up and try to win some of the big money we give out every session. Please let Doug Mills know what night you can help.
Squires The Squires are still looking for young men to join their ranks, if you have a son or know of a Catholic young man, please encourage them to join. They have been meeting on the 1st Sunday @ 5:00 pm. Please contact Tony Kilian or Kevin Lorenz.
Keep them in your Prayers
Brother Jessie Skramstad has been diagnosed with cancer; please keep him and his family in your prayers.
Fish Fry We set the dates for our annual fish fry’s. The first will be Friday March 28th and the second, Friday April 11th. We will be in need of as many members as we can get to help with the two Friday nights. Please help if you can.
Tootsie Roll Drive The Tootsie roll drive will be held on May 8th through May 11th. Please make plans to help out with this fundraiser. We will have an online schedule to sign up on in the future.
Mark Your Calendar:
March 9, 16,23,28,30 BINGO
March 16th 1st degree
March 16th Bingo Appreciation dinner
March 28th Fish Fry
March 30th 5th Sunday/Membership drive
April 11th Fish Fry
April 26, 27 State Convention Appleton
Knight of the Month: Rich Lyons
Family of the Month: Ed Everson
Jackpot: Troy Schmit
Pot of Gold: Mark Samelstad
Fraternally yours,
Jeff Williams