Fish Fry: Dates have been set for the Fish Fries. They are March 9 and 23, 2018. Thank you, Bill Stacken for stepping up to co-chair the Fish Fry this year.
We would like to welcome Mark Griffin-Boyle to our council via transfer from #11930 in Fargo, ND.
Dates to remember:
March 13, 2018 regular meeting 7:00 pm
March 9 and 23, 2018 KC Fish Fry
April 8, 2018 KC Bingo volunteers appreciation dinner
April 14, 2018 1st, 2nd and 3rd Degree Hudson, WI
April 20-22, 2018 Tootsie Roll Drive
April 28-29 2018 State Convention
April 29, 2018 5th Sunday Donuts and coffee
If you can help out please let Tony Kilian know. It was also suggested that those KC members helping out also sit together during Sunday Mass
September 29, 2018 4th Degree New Richmond, WI
Youth Activities: Knowledge Contest Winners.
8th Grade 7th Grade
1st place Hattie Harrold 1st place Olivia Naser
2nd place Carolin Fuchs 2nd place Brady Barlow-Sager
6th Grade 5th Grade
1st place Mary Harrold 1st Emma Humphrey
2nd place Braden Gross 2nd Gwen Ames
8th Grade 7th Grade
1st place Stephani Brown 1st place Drew Effertz
2nd place Malcom Lenz tie Victoria Anderson
6th Grade 5th Grade
1st place CJ Burmeister 1st place Vannessa Kizer
2nd place Brodie Boumeester 2nd place Gwen Ames
Tie Emma Humphrey
Congratulations to Jim Murtha, who is our newest Honorary Life member. Jim took all 3 degrees back in April of 1972, and has over 46 years of service to our council. We would also like to congratulate our newest Honorary members: David Crosby and Mike Stevens, with 35 & 40 years of service, respectively. Thank you gentlemen, for your dedication!
Honorary Life members are relieved of any more dues payments, while Honorary members see their dues reduced to $10 until they reach HL at age 70. Both classifications require a minimum of 25 continuous years of service.
DUES & RAFFLE TICKETS We’re over half way to our raffle ticket sales goal of 1,000 tickets. Please get them sold and turned in before the State Convention. (mid-April deadline) Great job to the many members who have already turned in tickets. Pat Earley has additional tickets, or stop by the KC Hall.
If you haven’t taken care of your 2018 dues, please do so. Second notices were mailed, and our FS would like to close the books on the 2018 collection period.
Bingo: KC Bingo continues to roll right along. The March dates are: 03/04, 03/09 Fish Fry, 03/11, 03/18, 03/23 Fish Fry, 03/25. No KC Bingo on Good Friday or Easter Sunday. KC Bingo is by far our largest fund raiser Please contact me at [email protected] to help out.
Insurance: If you have any questions about Knights of Columbus Insurance, please contact our field agent: [email protected] 651-324-1209
Keep them in your prayers: Jerry Frey, John Mortenson, Pat Donahue
Knight of the Month: Tom Weinmeyer
Family of the Month: Jim and Inez Utecht
Jackpot: Vernon Conrad
Pot of Gold: Thomas Heintz, must be present to win.
Fraternally yours,
Doug Mills, Grand Knight