Officers @ 6:00pm
Grand Knight Report:
We are quickly approaching our two fish fry nights. We will be hosting bingo following each fish fry. We can use a lot of help at all events so please volunteer your time. Al Lingen is once again heading the fish business for us. Please offer your support.
Elections are not far down the road. I encourage all of you to consider running for a position or at least volunteering your services in one of the council directory spots. Please contact one of the officers if you have interest.
We have formed a charity committee to create a guide for charitable donations. It is sometimes difficult to determine what the council should offer anyone in need. Hopefully the committee will have some news for us by the next meeting.
Honorary Member:
Congratulations to James Murtha, who became an Honorary Member on January 28th. Jim joined the Knights on April 30, 1972, taking his 1st, 2nd and 3rd degrees on the same day. Best wishes, Jim! We now have 42 Honorary Life Members and 17 Honorary Members.
Knowledge Contest:
We held our annual knowledge competition, the winners advanced to Ladysmith on Feb 23. Laura Jo Jarchow was gracious enough to once again distribute, tally and run the Knowledge Contest for us at St. Mary’s. What would we do without her help? Thank you, Laura Jo!
Fish Fry:
Please contact Al Lingen if you can help at the fish nights on
March 15 and March 22.
We donated $500 to the food shelf and $300 to NRPD for the
‘Drunk’ goggles.
State Charity Raffle and Dues:
Please take the time to sell the charity raffle tickets enclosed with an earlier mailing. If you have not paid your dues, please do so as soon as possible.
Mail your tickets and dues to Pat Earley, 1453 Cty Tk GG, New Richmond.
Mentoring Project:
Brother Randy Calleja will be speaking at our next meeting about a new mentoring project for outgoing 8th graders, called Leadership Trust Initiative. Please attend the meeting to gain some insight.
Squires Leader:
We are in need of a new leader for our Squires group, please consider becoming a leader for our youth. There is at least one parent willing to help but we need a Knight to head this important group. Please consider giving of your time, one hour per month for our youth, contact me if interested.
Keep them in your prayers:
Our brother, Matt Geist is battling stage three cancer, please keep him in your prayers. Matt is currently finished with initial treatments and waiting for the medicines to hopefully reduce the tumor he has. Please let me know if you know of any Brother Knights in need of our prayers.
Free Throw:
We had a good turnout at the free throw competition this year. As you know we held the District Competition immediately following the council level. The winners advanced to Ladysmith on Feb 23. Thank you, Brother Ed Zimmerman for organizing the event.
Tootsie Roll Drive:
We have selected the weekend of April 18-20 for our annual tootsie roll drive, we need lots of volunteers, we were short handed last year. Please volunteer a couple of hours for a very worthy cause.
Food Drive:
Ed Zimmerman can use some help on the 2nd Monday of the month, 11:30 a.m. at WalMart – West end of the building.
Helping Out:
If you have a business or know of a business that may have some unskilled positions available for individuals, please contact me, we have been asked by our community to see if we can offer help to those with special needs.
Mark Your Calendar:
Mar. 10: Bingo 7 pm KC Hall
Mar. 15: Fish Fry 5pm, Bingo 7 pm KC Hall
Mar. 17: Bingo 7 pm KC Hall
Mar. 22: Fish Fry 5pm, Bingo 7 pm KC Hall
Mar. 24: Bingo 7 pm KC Hall
March 29: Good Friday – no bingo
Mar. 31: Easter – no bingo
Apr. 7: Bingo 7 pm KC Hall
Knight of the Month: Ed Zimmerman
Family of the Month: John Jarchow
Jackpot: Tony Kilian
Pot of Gold: Larry Ball
See you at the meeting!
Fraternally yours,
Don Schoenherr