Grand Knight Report
Where did the month of April go as it just flew by. Hope and pray that this newsletter finds you and your family healthy and free of the covid-19. All events are still on hold, as things begin to open up we will get you informed on the dates and times of events happening.
The May meeting will be another ZOOM meeting.
Time: May 12, 2020 07:00 PM
To Join Zoom Meeting you can use the following link:
Meeting ID: 759 4913 6838
Password: 4Zm56m
The meeting will only be able to last 40 minutes. If you have any concerns or questions you want brought up at the meeting, please forward them to me so I can make up an agenda.
Dates to Remember
Tuesday May 12: 7:00 pm Virtual Meeting
Wednesday July 29: 2020 Red Cross Blood Drive
Monday August 17th: St. Mary School Golf Tournament
State Charity Raffle Report
The Charity Raffle drawing was held as scheduled on May 2, 2020. The closest winners were in Somerset & Hudson. Thanks to all who purchased or sold tickets for our council. Our Council sold 886 tickets. This is slightly below our goal, but without selling tickets during two fish fries, and bingo for many weeks, I think we did great. Special recognition to Don Schoenherr, who sold 109 tickets and led our ticket sales once again. Thanks also to Pat Becker-80 tickets, Shawn Fox-39 tickets, Dean Mergen & Steve Crosby both bought/sold many tickets as well. The full list of winners is attached to this email in PDF form.
Supreme will be holding Exemplification’s Thursday May 14th 6:pm & 9:pm. Also Sunday May 17th at 6:00 pm & 9:00 pm. This is a very easy way to be able to join the Knights so please get out and recruit some new members. Exemplification will be online. Please get to me your candidates name, address, & telephone number ASAP so I can get the information forwarded to Supreme and the information back to the candidate. If anyone that is first degree now would like to receive full Knighthood now is a perfect time to get your 2nd & 3rd degree taken care of. Please invite family and friends to attend the ceremony. I know you will be impressed. Also please recruit a new member.
Happy 90th Birthday to John Mortensen who will be celebrating on May 24th if you would like to mail a card to John his address is 324 Meridian Drive New Richmond 54017. His big party which was planned at the KC hall has been canceled. John has always helped with getting the fish fry posters put up in town and even this year before the virus set in John had them put up. John was also a KC State of Wisconsin Medallion winner in 2018. Thanks for all your help John.
At the last meeting we donated $500.00 to IC to help with expenses & $500.00 to the Covid-19 Meal Program to help feed 50 people in New Richmond 6 days a week.
State KC Convention:
Knights of Columbus 119th Annual Meeting and State Convention May 23 is still on it will be a virtual meeting more information to follow as it is given to us.
Insurance: If you have any questions about Knights of Columbus Insurance, please contact our field agent: [email protected] 651-324-1209
Knight of the Month: John Mortensen
Family of the Month: Doug & Mitzi Mills
Jackpot: none
Pot of Gold none
All past and present newsletters can be accessed through our council web site.www.newrichmondkc.com
Fraternally yours,
Alan Lingen, Grand Knight