First Degree at 6:30 in lower level.
Memorial Mass at 7 pm with meeting to follow.
Mass and meeting will also be downstairs.
Grand Knight Report: Thank you to all who attended the Columbus Day Dinner it was a fun event with all those who attended. Great social event with good conversation, great meal, and good beverages to go with. It was fun to give the four organizations some much more needed money. We gave $500.00 to each group they were New Richmond School District-Special Services, St. Croix County -Birth to 3, St. Croix County-Office of Aging & Disability, and LumberJack Special Olympics. A special thanks to all these groups who attended our dinner.
A big thank you to all the people who helped with the trick & treating on Halloween, your help was very much appreciated by the community and the Chamber. Good job guys.
Thank you to the Pat Donahue family for their generous gift to our Council in Pat’s name. The donation will be earmarked for charity.
Donations: In addition to the $2,000 donated to the Intellectually Disabled at the Columbus Dinner, at our October meeting, we donated $250 to the NR Fine Arts Council, and purchased a $100 raffle ticket for the basement remodeling.
Knight of the Year went to Doug Mills. You can usually find Doug at Saturday night mass sitting in his northeast pew and taking up the collection along with his ushering duties. He works the Tootsie Roll Drive, has taken charge of the Punt, Pass, Kick, & Soccer Challenge. He also spends half of the Sundays during bingos selling bingo sheets and collecting money. Doug did a fantastic job these past two years as our Grand Knight. Thanks Doug, for all the hard work you put in with the KC’s

Membership News:
Congratulations to two new Honorary Knights:
John Mike-joined Oct 17, 1982 -37 years of service
Jim Hahn-joined Apr 6, 1986 -33 years of service
Both John and Jim are 3rd degree Knights. Thank you, gentlemen.
Welcome back to our council: Scott Counter – great to have you rejoin us!
Dates to remember:
Sunday November 10, 2019 BINGO
Tuesday November 12, 2019 First Degree 6:30pm 7:00pm memorial mass, with meeting to follow
Sunday November 17, 2019 BINGO
Sunday November 24, 2019 BINGO
Friday November 29, 2019 BINGO
Food Drive: Ed Zimmerman can always use help on the 2nd Monday of each month, 11:30 a.m. at Wal-Mart -- to help load food and deliver it to the food shelf.
BINGO- Please use the link below to sign up. https://www.signupgenius.com/go/5080f4baaa72fd0-bingoIf you have not helped out in the past please consider helping out. This is our councils largest fund raiser and the money we raise goes to fund the many projects we are involved in.
Keep them in your prayers: Greg Mountain
Knight of the Month: John Mike
Family of the Month: Jim & Corrine Hahn Family
Jackpot: Jim Kahler
Pot of Gold: Jim Olien (absent)
All past and present newsletters can be accessed through our council website: www.newrichmondkc.com
Hope each one of you and your family’s have a great Thanksgiving
Fraternally yours,
Alan Lingen, Grand Knight