Our Next Meeting is Tuesday November 13th at 7:00 pm
Grand Knight Report:
We had a great turnout of nearly 60 people at our Columbus Day Dinner including our State Secretary, Tim Guski and his lady, Angie. Lisa Frank spoke on the birth to three program, Brad Beckman explained how our donation was spent at the aging and disability resource center and Katie Struble spoke on the progress and needs of the NR Special Olympics. We also had a special visit from Stacie Gomez, who thanked the Knights for the donation making a special wheel chair possible for her son, this donation originated from the state charity fund. Thank you to all who attended and helped with the setup. Doug Mills manned the bar and had his first experience at creating masterpieces. Our special guests were Fr. Brinkman and Fr. Fraher.
Memorial Mass:
Immediately following our meeting this month we will hold our annual Memorial Mass for our deceased Brother Knights, please plan to attend this very special event. This will be led by our Worthy Chaplain, Fr. James Brinkman.
1st, 2nd and 3rd Degree Exemplification:
We had no candidates advancing to the 2nd or 3rd degree, I encourage all of you knights who have not yet reached the 3rd degree to consider this in the future.
Knight and Lady of the Year:
At our Columbus Day Dinner we presented the award for Knight and Lady of the year. This year’s recipients were Al and Mary Jo Lingen, please join me in congratulating them on this achievement.
Family of the Year:
Another prestigious award for our council is also presented at our Columbus Day Dinner, this is the Family of the Year. I am pleased to announce that this year’s winner was the Pat and Lou Ann Becker family. Please pass on your congratulations to them.
Squires Leader:
We are in need of a new leader for our Squires group, please consider becoming a leader for our youth, contact me if interested.
Facebook and Website:
The Council now has a Facebook page. If you haven't already, please check it out. Don't forget to hit the "Like" button so you will see news about Bingo jackpots and other council activities show up in your Facebook news feed. You can find us at facebook.com/newrichmondkc
We also have a website, which is a more permanent place to go for news and information about the council and our activities and resources. www.newrichmondkc.com
Rosary Leaders:
We still need volunteers to step up for leading the rosary, please consider becoming a Rosary Leader before mass, anyone interested in becoming a Rosary Leader should contact Don Klein. Phone: 715-246-3935 or email: [email protected].
Our Bingo jackpot climbed to nearly $5500 and was won on October 14th by Kaila Graff. At our Nov 4 outing we are estimating a $1000 jackpot, so we are off and growing again.
Priest Disability Retirement Fund:
Each year we join in providing aid for priests who are disabled and unable to contribute to their retirement, this fund was started by Fr. Mullen a few years ago and our contribution of $150 was greatly appreciated.
Theresa Cody-Detwiler:
A benefit was held Oct 7 for Theresa Cody-Detwiler, she has diabetes, is blind and is now in need of two transplants, the event was held at Rooster’s Roadhouse, we contributed $400, please keep her in your prayers.
Richard Shade Family:
Richard Shade died due to injuries suffered in a deer/motorcycle accident, we donated $500 to this event which was held on Nov 3 at the Outer Limits.
Five Loaves:
We made a donation of $500 to this program along with a donation of 18 children’s coats.
St. Mary’s:
Our Coats for Kids program was greatly appreciated here, we donated 6 coats and funds to purchase smaller needed coats.
Thank you to those who participated in the Honor Guard for our Confirmation recipients on October 14, our presence was greatly appreciated by all including our Bishop.
Church Breakfast:
We will be hosting a pancake and sausage breakfast in the church basement on Nov. 11 to assist in the stewardship drive. We need about a dozen knights to help, please contact me. 715-781-3209.
Food Drive:
Ed Zimmerman can use some help on the 2nd Monday of the month, 11:30 a.m. at WalMart – West end of the building.
Mark Your Calendar:
Nov 4: Bingo 7 pm KC Hall
Nov 11: Pancake Breakfast – following 9:00 mass at church
Nov 11: Bingo 7 pm KC Hall
Nov 13: Monthly Meeting 7 pm KC Hall – Memorial Mass
Nov 18 Bingo 7 pm KC Hall
Nov 25: Bingo 7 pm KC Hall
Nov 30: Bingo 7 pm KC Hall
Knight of the Month: Rich Lyons
Family of the Month: Tony Kilian
Pot of Gold: Dennis Donahue
See you at the meeting!
Fraternally yours,
Don Schoenherr