Thank you to the Knights that helped out at St. Mary School this past weekend for their Marathon It and the Fall Festival. We had Knights that helped out at street corners during the Marathon It, helped out during the daytime festivities, enjoyed the roast pork and held Bingo in the church basement.
On September 27th, our hall hosted the Diocesan meeting for officers. The meetings went well and all enjoyed a good lunch too!
We have a ‘tabled’ motion from last month that will be voted on at our next meeting. Our bylaws specify that we cannot spend more than $500.00 without informing all members of the expense. We will be voting to replace our air conditioning units at the hall as one is not working and the 2nd is the same age and will most likely need replacement soon.
Squires: The Squires are still looking for young men to join their ranks. If you have a son or know of a Catholic young man, please encourage them to join. Please contact Kevin Lorentz. The next meeting will be Sunday, November 1st at 5:00 at the KC hall. We will be discussing our upcoming schedule and some possible recreational outings.
Youth Activities: Punt, Pass and Kick competition was held on September 24th. Thank you to Doug Mills for heading this up; Jeff Williams, Phil Mills and Jared Gorka for helping out at this.
Columbus Day Dinner: Our annual Columbus Day Dinner and award banquet is scheduled for Saturday, October 10th. More details about our speakers in the November newsletter.
Bingo: The jackpot continues to grow. The estimate for Sunday, October 11th is over $3,000.00. Many players are expected, so please be sure to help when you can. You can contact Doug Mills with the dates that you are able to be here to help with the games.
Insurance: If you have any questions about Knights of Columbus Insurance, please contact Ed Knolmayer at 715-425-0773. His website is:
and his email is: [email protected] You can also contact Ed if you are interested in becoming a field agent for the Knights of Columbus.
Keep them in your prayers:
Please keep praying for our Brother Knight Don Schoenherr and his family.
Fourth Degree:
Next, Saturday, October 17th is the Fourth Degree Exemplification here in New Richmond at St. Mary School. A timeline has been sent to all those who expressed interest. We are looking forward to a full day. For all details, please contact your Faithfull Navigator Alan Lingen 715-781-0095.
Honorary Life Status
Congratulations to Leroy Feneis, our newest Honorary Life member. Lee joined the KCs September 9th, 1980 and is a Third Degree member. With the addition of Lee, we now have 48 Honorary Life Members, 21 Honorary Members, and 237 Regular members for a total of 306.
Mark Your Calendar:
October 10: Columbus Day Dinner
October 11: Bingo
October 13: Monthly KC Meeting
October 18; 25: Bingo
October 30: (Friday) Bingo (possible costume contest!)
Please take a moment to explore the council website. You can keep up to date on Bingo jackpots, the event calendar, and photos of council activities. This newsletter, as well as back issues are posted on the newsletter page:
You can also check out our facebook page: New Richmond Knights of Columbus.
Food Drive: Ed Zimmerman can always use help on the 2nd Monday of each month, 11:30 a.m. at Wal-mart (southwest end of the building) to help load and deliver food to the food shelf.
Knight of the Month: Gary Jepsen
Family of the Month: Eric/Ytmar Crandall
Jackpot: Tony Kilian