Welcome to fall. My how the time flies by-where did the summer go?
I found this quote in the KC state newsletter from State Deputy Corey Christopher Coonen and thought it was very appropriate to share with you.
At times in years such as 2020, this simple task seems easy to overlook and forget. We weren’t told just to love those neighbors who agree with our viewpoints, but to love all. It seems as though too easily we come to ‘judge’ others based off of comments that they make or viewpoints that they have. In this year, it seems that we have division amongst our families, our friends and even within our Parish on issues and individuals in this highly tense politicized climate. Whatever happened to civility? Whatever happened to having discourse and dialogue with those of opposing viewpoints without ‘labeling’ or spewing hate rather than love and understanding?
With the elections coming up this next month please use one of your most important rights and get out and vote in this very important election.
St. Mary’s School
The Essay Topic for 2020-2021 is Faith in Action – Community Programs. We will need someone to take this project on. So if one of you fine men would like to take on a project here is a pretty easy one. I also have information on the Free Throw Championship to share with the chair.
Blood Drive:
We are signed up for two more blood drives October 22nd & December 21st. Please mark your calendars to get signed up to give blood. Notice the date change for December.
Birthday Wishes
Birthday wishes go out to Knights who are 70 years young and older for the month of October.
Fred Kressly, Alfred Higgins, Paul Mack, Charles Oberstar, Gale Tappe, Richard Klucas.
As the pot keeps getting bigger we are in need of more help as we are going to have to open up the downstairs. Please sign up and help us out as this is our way of making money in order to give back to the community.
Dates to Remember
Tuesday October 13th Meeting 7:pm @ The KC hall
Sundays October 11, 18, 25 Bingo
Friday October 30th Bingo
Thursday October 22nd Red Cross Blood Drive
Friday December 21st Red Cross Blood Drive
For online degrees, Supreme has suspended scheduling online degrees, but does include the On Demand link, to take an online degree at the candidate’s convenience. The State officers are also providing regularly scheduled online degrees. See the Degree schedule page of the State website where you will find links for him to register for the state ceremonies. Candidates may do this at any time by using the On Demand link to the supreme ceremony and filling the registration form, and watching the ceremony in its entirety. It is encouraged that his family watch it with him (25-30 minutes). Here is the schedule and registration links for the upcoming state degree ceremonies.
10/6/2020 Tuesday 7:00 PM 10/13/2020 Tuesday 7:00 PM 10/20/2020 Tuesday 7:00 PM
10/30/2020 Friday 7:00 PMProvide the appropriate link to the prospective member, as the member must do the registration process himself. Be sure to provide him with your council number to enter on the registration form. State Online Membership Coordinator William G. Hittwww.kofc.org/joinus
Insurance: If you have any questions about Knights of Columbus Insurance, please contact our field agent: [email protected] 651-324-1209
Knight of the Month: Dennis Hurtis
Family of the Month: John & Laura Jo Jarchow
Jackpot: Jared Gorka
Pot of Gold: Louie Dabruzzi
All past and present newsletters can be accessed through our council web site.www.newrichmondkc.com
Fraternally yours,
Alan Lingen, Grand Knight