There will not be a council picnic this year. On the other hand we will be having a Columbus Day Dinner in the month of October for a change, more about this later.
We started off the meeting with a first degree ceremony, we had one new candidate. We have a large number of knights who have not attained the 3rd Degree on their journey to full knighthood. I would like all officers to be present at 6 pm as we have a full agenda of topics.
It’s a Girl:
Congratulations to Brother Patrick J Becker and his wife, Sarah, on the birth of their daughter, Lilly Martina, on Sep 20. The proud grandparents are Brother Patrick D. Becker and his wife, Lou Ann. Let’s not forget the proud uncles, Brothers Eric Becker and Kristofer Wallace (Jami).
1st, 2nd and 3rd Degree Exemplification:
Our brothers in Hudson, Council 1762, are hosting all three degrees on Saturday, October 27. It would be a great time to advance your knighthood. Please contact Pat Earley, if interested.
Diocesan Meeting:
We held the southern portion of the Superior Diocesan Meeting on Sep 16 at our hall. Totally there were approximately 50 people in attendance. I believe we made a few dollars on our hosting of this event. Hopefully we will get the opportunity to host this event again next year.
First Degree Exemplification:
Please join me in welcoming Jake Skramstad as a new Brother Knight.
Fourth Degree Exemplification:
There will be a 4th Degree exemplification on Saturday, Oct 27 in Wisconsin Rapids. Contact Jerry Frey 715-246-4585.
If you are currently receiving your newsletter via snail mail but do possess an email address please contact Pat Earley so that we can get you moved over to the electronic version. Mail rates continue to rise and it is taking nearly 10 days to print and have it delivered.
"Like" Us On Facebook
The Council now has a Facebook page. If you haven't already, please check it out. Don't forget to hit the "Like" button so you will see news about Bingo jackpots and other council activities show up in your Facebook news feed. We had 54 members after a couple days. You can find us at
We will also be working on a website, which is a more permanent place to go for news and information about the council and our activities and resources.
Rosary Leaders:
We did not get any turnout for last month’s request, please consider becoming a Rosary Leader before mass, anyone interested in becoming a Rosary Leader for October 2012, should contact Don Klein. Phone: 715-246-3935 or email: [email protected].
Bingo Is Growing:
We started our Bingo session on Sep. 9 with an estimated cover-all jackpot of $2000. It had grown to $3000 by Sep. 28, please spread the word and let us know if you are available to help out. As you know we hold Bingo each Sunday night at 7 and on the last Friday of each month.
Punt, Pass & Kick and Soccer:
We hosted a local competition for Punt, Pass, & Kick and the Soccer Challenge on Saturday Sep. 15. We had about 2 dozen participants. Let’s give a special thank you to Doug Mills and Rich Lyons for heading up these two events, also many thanks to those who helped out.
Columbus Day Dinner:
We are actually hosting our Columbus Day Dinner in October this year, it will be held on Oct 27. Dinner is at 7 pm, Social at 5 pm or earlier. Please join us for a fabulous dinner for $8.00 per person, you and your guest can’t beat it anywhere. We will be announcing our Family and Knight of the Year at the dinner along with words from our recipients of our Tootsie Roll money.
Fifth Sunday:
We provided a 4th Degree Honor Guard at mass Sep 30. As usual we also provided donuts, juice and coffee for the parish in the basement. Thank you to all who helped out on this event.
Church Breakfast:
We will be hosting a pancake and sausage breakfast in the church basement on Nov. 11 to assist in the stewardship drive. We need about a dozen knights to help, please contact me or Jeff Williams.
Food Drive:
Ed Zimmerman can use some help on the 2nd Monday of the month, 11:30 a.m. at WalMart – West end of the building.
Mark Your Calendar:
Oct 7: Bingo 7 pm KC Hall
Oct 9: Monthly Meeting 7 pm KC Hall
Oct 13: State PP&K Competition - Marshfield
Oct 14: Confirmation – Honor Guard by Council 4th Degree
Oct 14: Bingo 7 pm KC Hall
Oct 21: Bingo 7 pm KC Hall
Oct 26: Bingo 7 pm KC Hall
Oct 27: Columbus Day Dinner 7 pm, Social 5 pm
Oct 28: Bingo 7 pm KC Hall
Knight of the Month: Jeff Williams
Family of the Month: Doug Mills
Jackpot: Mark E. Casey
Pot of Gold: Michael Beauvais
See you at the meeting!
Fraternally yours,
Don Schoenherr