Prior to the start of our August meeting, we had several representatives from the Lumberjack Special Olympics team visit. We presented them with a check from our Tootsie Roll drive and they spoke on some of the activities they will be participating in.
We had a foursome represent our council at the annual Somerset golf scramble, for the third year in a row we brought the council trophy back to our hall. Good job guys!
Our council was asked if we could help the CF program with teaching aids and materials that they are required to purchase. We were able to donate $1,000.00 to help with the cost.
We were also asked to help purchase a sound system for the Health Center; they will use it for Bingo and other activities. The council voted to purchase the system for $275.00.
We would like to have another First Degree in the near future, if you know a Catholic gentleman that is not a Knight, please talk to them about joining our council. I believe most of us know one gentleman we could ask. Let Al Lingen know of any new prospects.
I would like to thank Pat Becker for all his hard work getting the hall ready for the Officers Installation on the 5th. It looked great.
Our squires are having regular meetings again. They need a few more young men to join their circle. If you know any young men that would be interested in becoming a squire, please let Tony Kilian know.
Youth Activities:
Our annual Punt, Pass, and Kick, and Soccer challenge needs to be held this month. We have been asking for volunteers for two and a half months, we have not had anyone willing to help out. Please, we need a chairman to coordinate each of these events. If you can help or chair either or both of these events, please contact our new program coordinator Tony Kilian.
First, Second & Third Degrees:
Our council will be hosting a 1st, 2nd, & 3rd degree exemplification on November 2nd. Can you think of a better place to advance your knighthood than right here? Please consider achieving the next levels of your journey.
Congratulations on 60 Years
Congratulations to Pat and Helen Donahue who celebrate their 60th wedding anniversary on September 12th. The Donahue Family would like to invite all their friends and family to a celebration on the Donahue Farm (2036 Cty. Rd G) on September 21st from 3-7 that afternoon. No gifts please.
Fall 2013 Marathon It
October 5th St. Mary’s School will be holding their 8th annual Marathon It. Our council is a co-sponsor of this event. We will be providing check points around the marathon route and will be helping with safety for the participants. We will need volunteers to help with this event.
September 8th will mark the start of our fall Bingo season. Bingo is the major money maker for our council; we will need help on Sunday nights and the last Friday night of each month. We would also love to see you and your families show up and try to win some of the big money we give out every session.
We have applied for new raffle licenses. We would like to conduct a few raffles and meat raffles as fund raisers. If anyone has some ideas or would be interested in chairing this endeavor, please let me know. I think this could be a great way to make some extra money for charity.
Fourth Degree:
The next Western District exemplification will be held at the Marshfield Knights of Columbus Clubhouse on October 26th, 2013.
Food Drive:
Ed Zimmerman can use some help on the 2nd Monday of the month, 11:30 a.m. at WalMart – West end of the building.
Mark Your Calendar:
September 5th Officers Installation KC Hall
September 8th Start of Fall Bingo KC Hall
September 10th Monthly Meeting KC Hall
September 22nd Diocesan Meeting KC Hall
October 5th Marathon It
Knight of the Month: Mark E. Casey
Family of the Month: Troy Schmit
Jackpot: Todd Pastorius
Pot of Gold: Al Neuman (absent) $140
Fraternally Yours,
Jeff Williams, Grand Knight