Grand Knight Report: The cement is poured on the stairwell looks very nice, now we are waiting for the rails to be replaced. Thank you for all your help on the tootsie roll drive your help is greatly appreciated and also with 5th Sunday
donuts. The paddle is back! Congratulations to Jeff Williams, Phillip Mills, Mike Homer and Sam Strachan on winning the paddle back from the Somerset Knights of Columbus Golf Tournament. St. Paul Saints game with Father John and the altar kids was very fun, thanks for the invite.
Youth Activities: Punt, Pass and Kick and the Soccer Challenge are fast approaching. We will still need someone to help set this event up.
Bingo: Sunday September 12,19,26 and Friday September 24. If you would like to help, please use the signup link on signup genius:
Food Drive: Ed Zimmerman can always use help on the food drive please contact him for more information.
The Fence: The fence has been taken out and if someone wants it, 150’ free chain-link fence posts and about 4 feet high.
Mark Your Calendar:
Officers Installation
Date: Wednesday September 15th
Where: New Richmond KC Hall
Time: Social at 5:00 pm
Installation at 6:00 pm
Dinner following Installation
Sunday September 12,19,26 and Friday September 24, 2021-
Tuesday October 12, 2021-KC Meeting
Blood Drive: Our next blood drive’s will be October 18th and December 15th.
Insurance: If you have any questions about Knights of Columbus Insurance, please contact our field agent:
[email protected] 651-324-1209
Attention All Members:
We will be doing some housecleaning of the many dozens of trophies on display and in storage at the KC Hall. If you played on a team (softball, bowling, golf, archery) and have interest in a keepsake, please call one of the officers, or come to the meeting to view. We will be keeping a selection of trophies, but wish to downsize the collection.
Miscellaneous: Did you know our council has a website?
You can keep up to date on Bingo jackpots, the event calendar, and photos of council activities. This newsletter, as well as back issues are posted on the newsletter page:
And we are also on Facebook!!! Like our page if you have not already done so and share with your friends. New Richmond Knights of Columbus
September Birthdays: Leroy W. Feneis, Mark. Eliason, Lawrence R. Weisenbeck, Todd C. Miller, Rudolph L. Nalipinski, Joseph G. Veilleux, Michael S. Green, Jacob T.
Fansler, Patrick J. Donahue, Gordon D. Keyes, Gregory M. Anderson, Zachary J. Brinkman, Richard F. Prokash, Alan L. Lingen, Brian B. Frey, Daniel B. Donahue, Robert J. Brinkman, Jonathan Haffner, William C. Holland, Mark Kearns, Barret E. Brinkman, Lucas O Brinkman, Thomas E. Derrick, Jacob L. Germain, James R. Hahn, Michael A. Hurtis, Cole M. Effertz, and Matthew W. Schommer.
I hope you have a wonderful birthday.
Keep them in your prayers: Jerry Frey, John Walsh, Al Neuman, Wilbur Mills (Doug’s Father, Phillip’s Grandfather), John Sullivan, Priests, Deacons and Religious leaders.
Knight of the Month: Ed Zimmerman
Family of the Month: Terry Palmer Family
Jackpot: Fr. John Anderson
Pot of Gold: Larry A. Charbonneau (Not Present)
Fraternally yours,
Phillip Mills, Grand Knight